well, many many moons ago.....(about two months ago). a little old lady....(my grandma), handed a slip of paper with a sticker on it to a suave, cool, hip, son of a gun....(me). well this sacred piece of paper was the registration to a form of transportation very coveted to mankind...(my car). well I neglected to take the sticker off of the paper and place it on my license plate.....well I took my car aaalll the way down here and realized that I did not put that sticker on yet. I could get in trouble for that. well I searched and searched for that piece of paper with the sticker on it in my car, but alas, to no avail. and then...(drumroll)...I saw a...(something indistinguishable)...stuck to my passenger seat. i picked it up to find that it was A STICKER!! YAAY! but this sticker was in very bad shape, really crumpled and stuck to itself. the sticky sides baked to other sticky parts of the sticker. just bent and twisted and mangled. well...I take the sticker home....and i begin to scrupulously unfold this sticker that is sticking to its sticky self. my mom then gave me a plaque picker. (!!!!) it picks the plaque off your teeth. it is shape like a pen/pencil with a sharp hook on the end (available at your nearest toiletry dealer). well I after about 20 minutes of hard work I begin fit together bits and pieces of the sticker (because it ripped a lot from unfolding it) an orange-ish sticker with a big black 0 and 6 on it, with Indiana behind those numbers, and other random numbers along the bottom. it isnt a perfect sticker, bits are missing but you get the general gist/idea of it and you wouldnt tell that it has special needs til you get up close. so I go out to my car to see just how this sticker is going to look......only to find......that I have an '07 sticker already in place.....I go back to my injured sticker to realize that I was piecing together an old sticker, one that I don't need. I go to my glove box and find the stickers' old home....the registration slip...now I have cleaned my car a few times...and NEVER..NEVER EVER have I come across this sticker...what it was doing chillin out takin pleasure cruises from inside the car I have no freakin idea. I also have no idea how the new sticker was placed in its proper position and the paper in the glove box. so I took my crippled sticker and put it on my portable dvd player to remind me how much of a dumbass I really am.
and THAT is how a sticker was sent to the dentist.....(remember the plaque picker)......(I was the dentist)...(ok, so it was just a little lie)...
all that excitement for that? well.....I thought it was funny...
wow. i can't believe you went through all that trouble and didn't even need the sticker. you, by far, have the most sponatneous, hysterical life of all thepeople I know...congrats on that title, Mr. Dentist! :D
and isn't that...Mhd Haas....or some bullshit like that?
even..doctor? maybe?
oh and my thoughts on tattoos and piercings.....tattoos on anybody look tacky I think, (unless they are small and outta the way and actually mean something to you)...(and no I don't mean outta the way as in "you've gotta have your birthday suit on" to find it)......piercing....just don't get too many, earlobes, one small nose piercing (not a ring), and the bellybutton are the only thing that should ever really be pierced.
hm...see, that's how i feel! my friend keeps telling me that if you pierce anything other than your ears once or even get a tattoo you are going to hell........i don't believe that. i'm glad someone in this world feels the same way.
well, many many moons ago.....(about two months ago).
a little old lady....(my grandma), handed a slip of paper with a sticker on it to a suave, cool, hip, son of a gun....(me). well this sacred piece of paper was the registration to a form of transportation very coveted to mankind...(my car). well I neglected to take the sticker off of the paper and place it on my license plate.....well I took my car aaalll the way down here and realized that I did not put that sticker on yet. I could get in trouble for that. well I searched and searched for that piece of paper with the sticker on it in my car, but alas, to no avail. and then...(drumroll)...I saw a...(something indistinguishable)...stuck to my passenger seat. i picked it up to find that it was A STICKER!! YAAY! but this sticker was in very bad shape, really crumpled and stuck to itself. the sticky sides baked to other sticky parts of the sticker. just bent and twisted and mangled. well...I take the sticker home....and i begin to scrupulously unfold this sticker that is sticking to its sticky self. my mom then gave me a plaque picker. (!!!!) it picks the plaque off your teeth. it is shape like a pen/pencil with a sharp hook on the end (available at your nearest toiletry dealer). well I after about 20 minutes of hard work I begin fit together bits and pieces of the sticker (because it ripped a lot from unfolding it) an orange-ish sticker with a big black 0 and 6 on it, with Indiana behind those numbers, and other random numbers along the bottom. it isnt a perfect sticker, bits are missing but you get the general gist/idea of it and you wouldnt tell that it has special needs til you get up close. so I go out to my car to see just how this sticker is going to look......only to find......that I have an '07 sticker already in place.....I go back to my injured sticker to realize that I was piecing together an old sticker, one that I don't need. I go to my glove box and find the stickers' old home....the registration slip...now I have cleaned my car a few times...and NEVER..NEVER EVER have I come across this sticker...what it was doing chillin out takin pleasure cruises from inside the car I have no freakin idea. I also have no idea how the new sticker was placed in its proper position and the paper in the glove box. so I took my crippled sticker and put it on my portable dvd player to remind me how much of a dumbass I really am.
and THAT is how a sticker was sent to the dentist.....(remember the plaque picker)......(I was the dentist)...(ok, so it was just a little lie)...
all that excitement for that? well.....I thought it was funny...
and isn't that...Mhd Haas....or some bullshit like that?
even..doctor? maybe?
oh and my thoughts on tattoos and piercings.....tattoos on anybody look tacky I think, (unless they are small and outta the way and actually mean something to you)...(and no I don't mean outta the way as in "you've gotta have your birthday suit on" to find it)......piercing....just don't get too many, earlobes, one small nose piercing (not a ring), and the bellybutton are the only thing that should ever really be pierced.
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