Time for a mod post! Just cause we have a bunch of new people and its been awhile since we had a lovely mod post that didn't involve screaming or emotional issues!
A few things..
If you've never done so or even if you have and feel you need a refresher.. please read over the
main page rules just to make sure we're all on the same page. We've never had any trouble at all with rules so this whole paragraph here is just precaution.
Also, please try to use AIM whenever you can. I know people are busy, involved in outside things and in other communities and so on.. But people are complaining "no one's ever on" so EVERYONE GET ON AND TALK TO EACH OTHER. Or if you realize that you use another screenname more often than the one that we have for your character, give us the other one! There are only 36 people on our buddy list, and you're allowed 200 per screenname. Just a friendly suggestion.
I still can't get the friend add button to work so obviously I'm an idiot but in the meantime, so you don't have to do each one individually (cause I'd never do it, that sucks),
copy paste member list to be used in the admin console.
Alright that's all.. As you were :)