Jun 13, 2005 16:57
Like people how has it been going? Me I am doing ok. Lately I have been have mixed emotions. It is a bad thing to have. Trust me. I thought taht ruined someone life well love life by telling how I truly felt but she said that I helped her so woo hoo for me I think. I really hate being alone but theres nothing I can do to change it well not yet atleast. There is so much potentily(sp) out there but I for some reason want one of two people and I cant have either and I am glad cuz they are happy. I got to talk to my cousin face to face today after what he said to Amber and Sam. I think he doesnt like at all now. I think it is fair though. He got a good shot a bogus shot but a good one. I paid him back though and he wont bug no one anymore. I think he likes Amber and Sam. He barely knows them but he likes them. I talked to Ariel a couple days agoa dn she helped me a lot with some problems I had so Lindsey tell her I said thank you. Well I dont much else to say but a couple shout outs
Stephanie: today was fun we both need to get money adn go to the mall
Brittany: Aint talked to you lately so when ya get the chance call me
Lindsey: Not to be mean but why do you always but quizes up and some are funny
Corri: I aint talked to you much either but thats a usual thing with you and me
Sam: Micheal Jackson is guility. Also we should talk maybe I will see you at Ambers tonight call me if ya wanna talk peace
Amber: I may come by tonight if I can get out fo my house. My mom is startign to watch me cuz of the whole mall thing but I will try to come by cuz we aint hung out lately love ya bye bye
Peace out all of you and if you like Micheal Jackson then fuck you his ass should be put in jail he fucked them little boy(s)