Title: Five Song Drabbles; Sho/Jun version
Fandom/Pairing: Arashi/see title please.
Rating: PG-ish. i think. R-ish themes present.
1. STEREO - 錦戸亮
Sho's hand grabs the pen clumsily and starts moving across a clean sheet of paper. His brows furrow and his grip tightens around the pen, but that lasts for a moment then he's back to drawing happily.
Jun is aware that Sho is drawing something. He's curious but he reins himself and allows Sho to finish up first. Instead, he tells himself to focus on the agenda for the day. He has a lot of activities lined up as usual, and he makes a rough plan on how to go about them effectively--
"Hey look, Matsujun, I drew you."
And Jun is reluctant to admit it, but he saw himself in Sho's seemingly random scribbles.
2. heavenly days - 新垣結衣
"Well, hello there." the man smiles warmly. He's dressed immaculately in white, with a smile on his face, the kind of face mothers showed their friends to tell them what a good child they have. Jun is really not interested, not even in the stranger's impossibly clean outfit.
"Yes, what do you want?" he's being rude, Jun knows. But he has no time entertaining men in white right now. He's already running late as it is. "I'm very busy, you see."
"I know." the man says patiently.
"Well, that's good--"
"I know everything about you, Matsumoto Jun."
"What the--"
"Let me introduce myself. I am Sakurai Sho, your guardian angel." he smiles that smile again and for a second time, Jun contemplates shutting the door in his face.
Jun was so much like a kid sometimes. He didn't want to show it to others, his childish side, but it was there. The way his eyes would light up at the sight of newly fallen snow, or how he'd (subtly) be giddy over the fact that the Christmas tree at Sho's place would be set up a little early. Though it was kind of hard to believe that somewhere in that tall, mature, and cool man was a little boy waiting to come out.
Sho thought it was really cute.
But while a walk out in the snow earned him a snowball on his left cheek, he decided that, cute or not, he got to give Jun some payback.
4. EXPLOSION - 関ジャニ∞
It was unfair how he knew exactly where to touch, where to lick, where to kiss to make Sho moan and writhe under him. Sho usually was so composed and he thinks that Jun got some kind of excitement out of this, when he sees Sho come undone. Sometimes, Sho wants to have his own way too, but more often than not, Jun's way was better. Really, that guy had amazing technique.
It was uncanny how he seemed to know exactly what Sho wants as well. He can go fast or slow or anywhere in between and Sho had no idea that's what he wanted until Jun gave it to him. He can't complain though, he's definitely the one getting the most pleasure out of this.
"I like you."
"You like me when we're having sex."
One beat. And then two.
"Well, don't you like that?"
"There's more to me than my cock."
"Oh cut the crap, we've known each other for years. Spell out what you want or just keep quiet."
"I am not going to be your toy,"
"Did I give you the impression that that's what you were?"
"The fact that we only see each other for sex is a dead giveaway."
A pause. A sigh. A frown.
"What do you want to do about it then?"
"I told you, there's more to me than my cock and my mouth--"
"And your hands."
"--And if you can't afford to take the whole package, then you can't have anything at all."
"I wasn't. I didn't mean to--look, you've got it all wrong--"
"Take it or leave it."
Title: Five Song Drabbles; Jin/Kame version
Fandom/Pairing: KAT-TUN/see title please.
Rating: PG-ish. i think. R-ish themes present. PG-13 i think. D:
1. TEENAGERS - My Chemical Romance
There was something about youth that lent a certain degree of cockiness, an air of vulnerability cloaked by crude words and flashy clothes. It was a tough world to be in, to cope wiht the latest, to keep up with the crowd. It was wrong to want to go to school, it was a crime to be different.
"Just the same, I like you," Jin told him. "Who else cares?"
And Kame watched in awe as Jin kept that confident smile.
2. What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong
Walking Ran-chan became an escape rather than a burden to Kame. He enjoyed strolling parks and pavements, the bright sun on his face and a very excited Ran-chan taking the lead. He loved seeing Tokyo as a peaceful city, seeing people greet each other on the street, children running around.
What makes it even more enjoyable is when Jin and Pin join them.
3. Kaze mo Sora mo Kitto - Mizuki Arisa (too lazy to find kanji, sry)
Late, late, late. Jin was running late. He quickly put on his uniform and stuffed his books in his bag. Shouting a goodbye to his mother, he dashed out and quickly ran to the train station. He could still make it.
Jin made it, and that meant he can relax now. He didn't get a seat but that was okay. Just being on the train was enough. When Jin tried to take a look at the zooming scenery beside him, he saw a familiar back.
He was so near, and it suddenly felt as if they went on the train together and that everything was all right between them and that stupid fight about Jin's manga yesterday didn't happen at all.
The sounds of the next stop being announced over the intercom brought Jin back to reality and Kame left the teain. Without a care for anything--Jin in particular--and Jin kind of felt lonely because of that.
4.Pare Ko - Eraserheads
"One more please,"
"Jin, this is your fifth bottle or at this point, do you even remember how to count up to five?"
"Fuck off, I know when I've had enough." Jin swatted Yamapi's hand angrily, and grabbing the newly opened bottle, he drank it down in three gulps. A string of profanities followed it.
Beside him, Yamapi sighed and took a lazy sip at his own mug.
"Really. Stupid. Moron. Idiot." Jin muttered like a chant, tipping his bottle slightly. "Why are you so stupid?"
"It would be allright if you're drinking because of a girl but," Yamapi shrugged his shoulders. "Kamenashi-kun is really..."
"Don't even mention his name." Jin hissed.
"Oh really Akanishi, come straight with him and get this fucking thing fixed. And stop dragging me into bars."
5. I Can't Take My Eyes Off of You - High School Musical Cast (do not ask me why i have this, ok)
The six of them looked up at the director, red-faced and clearly annoyed. The take was going great and nobody knew what went wrong, but the director didn't really give the details. He muttered for a break and resumed filming five minutes later.
And exactly five minutes later, "CUT!"--a more angry one--was said again.
"Uh, excuse me, but what's wrong with this take?" Nakamaru dared to ask.
"Kamenashi-san," the director said through clenched teeth. "Can't you stare at Akanishi-san more discretely?"