Sometimes a little bit really does go a long way. In Word Count Journal, by gradually building up your writing stamina and discipline, you will see just how easy it is to get a whole lot done. By simply writing a set number of words each day, every day, you will write a whopping 66,795 words at the end of one calendar year. Little by little, through the power of series, the total of your written words will add up to more words than contained in the average novel.
It is hard to believe but 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 ... + 364 + 365 = 66,795. Just like the Confucian saying that the longest trip begins with the first step, your journal journey begins with the first word.
http://www.wordcountjournal.com/users/809/journals/3173 This is for my 101 list. Because I tried last year and failed. And my journal.. became too personal to show anyone. But I want someone to be like "ARIEL, REMEMBER TO UPDATE!!"
I am back at my dorm, it's a mess, I need to unpack.. but I will do so tomorrow. Today really, I'm putting it on my to do list. YAY POST-IT NOTES.
I made 5 origami cranes tonight. Yes!