I was supposed to go to a class today, but as I approached a set of traffic lights over 3/4 of the way to the university, with no warning nor appropriate cover, the rain clouds suddenly decided to switch from light drizzle to torrential downpour, I have never been soaked so much in my life so quickly; within seconds my trousers went from patchy wet to waterlogged. I couldn't make my class like that images floated in of me sort of lingering near the computer I was supposed to be using to master some sociological statistical analysis, unable to sit down due to the limited movement afforded me by my frozen legs, dripping water onto the keyboard and no doubt causing more windows errors than installing a printer driver. So I turned to go home thoroughly annoyed and walked straight in a 2 inch deep puddle that had not been there before. When i got home though there were 6 Big Finish CDs to listen to, having deposited on my mat, that did cheer me up somewhat which is funny because then it stopped raining and the SUN broke through. I nearly pitched my Big Finish CDs out through the closed window.
Oh yeah and then I came here and did this...
What Kind Of Whovian Are You?
Your Result: Laddyfan
You are the all drinkin, all shaggin god's gift to whoviankind. although sometimes ...you wish you werent a whovian at all, and into football or something...
New series n00b
Classic series n00b
Good natured jumper wearer
Hard Living Demon Fan
Frothing fanboy
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