Jan 05, 2010 06:51
Heroes last night was AWESOME-sauce! And did you see how much shirtless Quinto we were awarded? Very nice. And after seeing the preview for next week I'm convinced that Peter is doomed to be a bachelor forever.
And the Claire tattoo thing scares me. That'd be soooo yucky if Sylar tried to get into Claire's pants...ewwww.
But on another, more frightening note, a bug crawled into my ear last night. I could hear it crawling against my eardrum and struggling franticly to eascape. I cried like a baby and started babbling 'what if it lays eggs or chews on my eardrum?' Someone had to hold my head sideways and pour hot water in my ear. Then I tipped my head to the side and cried while it wiggled around and tried to escape. Then someone pulled it out when it came out a little.
I took it with no grace oncesoever. I reached out like a baby and cried into the nearest shoulder. Scared the hell out of me.
But on a happier note--I have another Settled World fic done, anyone want me to go ahead and post it?
zachary quinto,