Apr 06, 2006 12:35
I'd just like to take this time to give a good old bitch and rant. Iv just sat down to write the beggininnings of my dissertation. went to the quick search to find the location and referance numbers for the books i need. theoretically making it piss easy to find the books i need. Got a list of about 10 books that might be able to use and would be pretty helpful. However this was not to be the case. MMU university boasts about having an amazing library full of books to expand your knowledge and give you every oppertunity to help you along the way. MY FUCKIN ASS!!!!!!!! i couldnt find one of those books on any of the four fuckin floors. The best was when i went to find "retail design - New store experiances with a code number 338.47. the 338.47 code ranges from 338.470000 to 338.47999. needless to say i momentarily forgot about the "silence please" sign stuck above my head and let rip "YOU TOUCH FUCKING KIDS." Dont know why i said that but it seemed appropriate at the time. at that point anyone in the same area decided to casually walk away form the borderline pychotic irishman (me) This leaves me with the choice to ballbag the first chapter of my disseration or spend the day hunting through the 338.47 codes in home i might find a book which in all probabity might be only slightly useful. sayin that the guy marking it could probably nail Liam Boyle and Shando into the fucking ground when it comes to general knowledge and has a degree in architecture and pretty good knowledge of post modern architecture and retail phychology the later might be the better option. see you all next week hopefully.