The State of the Nea

Feb 20, 2010 18:24

Judging from flist posts, I've missed the ice dancing, which is the only part of the Olympics I wanted to see. It's been that kind of a week. On the other hand, it also means I missed 6 minutes of ads shown every 5 minutes of show (I once actually *timed* this) and I can probably see the good stuff on YouTube later. Preferably from some feed from Myanmar or Britain or somewhere where the announcers shut the fuck up and actually let you watch the performances.

Yes, I do hate American sportscasting with a passion, why do you ask?

Work was... less than optimal... this week too, and the whole city is still shaking off the lingering effects of last week's repeated snopocalpti. So no G.O. Organization, for the three of you who read that, on account of my not penalizing myself for, say, buying food in the cafeteria because I couldn't buy breakfast fixings at a picked-over grocery store.

On the up side, I have discovered that cold cream is the best moisturizer EVER. And I've gotten stuff done - new glasses, I discovered where to buy my favorite chai (at a discount, even, so I can grow my own for about 60 cents a glass), and I dropped off four bags and two boxes of books at Book Thing.* (I'm pleading the Fifth over how I actually managed to park somewhere halfway down an uncleared one-way street.) My trip to the Thing was a last-moment impulse. Turns out a lot of people had the same one - people are going everywhere, ANYwhere just to get out of the house for a while!

Well, we've got to get our jollies while we can. I'm hearing the first rumors that we're going to get a storm in early March that'll make snowmageddon look like a picnic in the park.

ETA: I'm amused that their signs, which formerly said "We are open 9-6 every Saturday and Sunday including holidays" now says "We are open 9-6 every Saturday and Sunday including holidays and blizzards."

ETA 2, to spare y'all a second post. On the new Who trailer? I prefer something a little less trippy. Also, I've got one thing to say about "All of time and space. Everywhere and anywhere. Every star that ever was. Where do you want to start?" and that one thing would be:


As a sell-the-concept line, that's even better than "Do you want to go with me?" which was until this second the Best. Line. Ever.
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