The number of people who are absolutely convinced that "there will only be three more Doctors" are making me crazy.
No, the BBC is not obligated to cancel a show because of a 20-year-old plot point. Anybody who thinks that they would even consider the concept for a nanosecond is delusional at bestNo, it won't be "uncanonical" to blow that plot
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Jeebus, even the Master says in Season 3 that he was given another set of regenerations as a 'bribe' (he doesn't call it that of course) in order to get him to fight in the Time War - it's right there IN THE TEXT people!!
Teh stoopid, it burns!
As you say, the website's been saying ever since the show came back and they put up the FAQ that they wouldn't let the "13 lives" thing hamper them if the show was and remained a success. You don't kill the cash cow for the sake of an old bit of mythology not on an SF show where people do not stay dead (the Master) or trapped in a parallel universe (Rose) like they're supposed to be according to the not-so-infallible Doctor!
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