The number of people who are absolutely convinced that "there will only be three more Doctors" are making me crazy.
No, the BBC is not obligated to cancel a show because of a 20-year-old plot point. Anybody who thinks that they would even consider the concept for a nanosecond is delusional at bestNo, it won't be "uncanonical" to blow that plot
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Sorry, I recall reading one of the novelizations waaaaay back, circa mid to late 1980's, when the whole 'limit to regenerations' was sort covered with a cautionary tale of some Time Lord who was perpetually dissatisfied with his regenerations and kept triggering them hoping to get something better until he finally DE-generated into a disgusting blob of protoplasm -- offering the idea that Time Lords really aren't limited to 13 regenerations, but it's not really recommended to push it!!!!
It seems to me it might have been one of the Fifth Doctor episode novelizations, as that was about the time they started doing a bit more in the background development, rather than a strict adaptation of the episode.
So the idea of MORE than 13 regens actually predates the New Who....
Sounds like Mawdryn Undead, where they hint heavily that it's a mass/energy thing to the regenerations.
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