Jun 30, 2008 07:20
Dear Author,
One of the nasty things I'm going to say in the book that inspired the previous letter is that too much time was taken recapping the other six books in the series, and that in one case, the exact wording was reused to introduce a character - presumably because that author didn't figure the beach-reading crowd would realize the redundancy 6 chapters apart.
Imagine my thrill that you have
1) spent over 50 pages recapping the single book before this one, often repeating concepts, and
2) described the same character with the same phrase EIGHT TIMES IN AS MANY PAGES.
For all the flaws in the other book, there was at least a faint attempt to set up a plot, and said attempt appeared in the first chapter. In yours, there are 50 pages of reminders that I shouldn't have bothered with this book first.
I'm giving up. At this point, any review would be a retread of the flaws from one book and the plot from another anyway, because you've pretty much combined the worst of both.
dear author