Prepare for Fair
tchwrtr gets rights of first brag so I won't mention amounts, but PfF was very successful - and had the fastest breakdown/cleanup EVER! There were bargains galore - raw silk for $3 a yard, bodices for $30, skirts for $5, and more. I might have blown my "mend for fair" resolution, but I bought plenty of garb to make up for it. Also some fantastic baskets, including one that's probably going to become my new favorite, and a couple of thoroughly wicked brownies. M got some linen for a mind-boggling price (mostly because she saw it before I did!)
Now home nursing sore feet and sucking down water because it's killer heat out there, but quite pleased - with my haul, with how well it ran, and with the take.
Someone read The Velveteen Rabbit a few too many times
The Real Person Fic thing continues to rage on Fanthro, with this comment to me regarding Real People - What makes someone real? What makes them more real than a fictional character? Are there levels of reality? ... How is [fanfic] not demeaning to fictional characters? Don't they have humanity (those fictional characters which ARE humans, of course) which is being denied? How is this not wrong?
Which I would blow off as snark, except that other comments on the thread suggest that she is being completely, utterly serious - stuff along the lines of "how do we know that we're not just a dream?" and "But character X swore that she had free will in her book."
To quote The Librarian, "I hear thorazine comes in vanilla now."
And in other news...
...Hugh Jackman rocks my world and I just can't watch him say "You're a dick" often enough. I'm missing the O'Danny Girls live album taping, alas - too far away and I'm too tired - so instead we're on the couch tonight - X Men, Les Miz in concert (complete with 21 ValJean salute) and the Bollywood version of "Sense and Sensibility." Wheee!