Dang, this shit really works!

Sep 12, 2014 18:57

I am near, but not at, where I want to be, either in the renovations or the budget. But... I'm getting awfully close. So close that I have been startled in the last week to realize that when I want information, I know where to go lay my hand on it. That despite the mess in the library and the bedroom (and, at the moment, the living room) I am finding things when I need to find them.

I was even more startled today to realize that, although I still have debt and my savings are not where I'd like them, money is there when I want it. I can, in fact, go to the store next Friday and buy the new iphone outright. No contracts.


Yeah, afterwards I need to take the Little VISA out of my wallet until the end of October, but that's to let the account attached to it recover up to the level where I want it, not to actually earn back the $$ to pay down the phone. I know it sounds kind of the same, but the difference, although subtle, is profound - it's not that I won't have the money I need, it's that I won't have as much of the money that I want.

Damn, this shit really works. I'm... actually starting to get my fingers around the life I want in my grasp.


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