Jan 26, 2013 17:26
A russett potato will bake in the time it takes a 3-lb pot roast to cook, but don't eat the pot roast with it - too greasy right out of the oven.
Large-diced bread will toast/dry beautifully in 90 minutes at 225F.
Amish market garlic herb bread dries into excellent croutons (and, to be tested tomorrow, ought to make kickass stuffing.) It takes 2 cookie trays per loaf, and two loaves for stuffing. Next time, though, don't be a dumbass and throw out most of the breadcrumbs. Toast all of them along with the bread, and collect separately for crumb topping later.
It may be worth your effort to mix up a large batch of seasoned flour with powdered rosemary for future potroasts. (For the sake of anyone actually reading this, the rosemary comes from M shaking a dead bush over a bag before we buried the trunk.)
It *will* be worth your effort to mix up individual dry-mix batches for noel chews when sugar goes on sale around Valentines/Easter.
And randomly, for anyone reading this far, I just watch someone park their car, run up to the Little Free Library, and in a single move open the door, grab a book, and pivot to run back. No looking around, just a snatch-and-grab. Until I go out to learn otherwise, I'm assuming it's the huge one on the history of the British Secret Service, as that's large enough to read the title from the street. Damnit, it was a Book of Mormon put in there! I replaced it with a copy of Robert Preston's Blasphemy. Also, when I was sweeping powdered snow off the walk, I met a neighbor and her daughter returning a book to the LFL and bringing a new one. I told them to "be greedy" and then trotted into the house to give the girl the assorted Anne of Green Gables books I'd picked up.
christmas prep