I was offline all of yesterday and much of today, so while I know I owe replies, emails, and comments from here to Ravelry, that's all going to happen... tomorrow after work. Hopefully. Because if I don't get my butt to bed NOW and get a halfway decent night's sleep, I'm gonna die.
Still, my presentation at Watson's Tin Box (aka "full-on ad for Big Finish and Jim French Productions") seems to have gone well. I couldn't really judge if I was making the clips too long or too short; I tried to pick 30-second/1-minute ones that ended on a cliffhanger or joke. And I got in a plug for Cabin Pressure by playing the mangling of "once you have eliminated the possible..." which got several chuckles from around the table.
Elementary continues to fuck with my head, alternating interviews that give me the wiggins with promo stuff that's really cool.
Promo poster here at Shaddicted. I gotta admit, I like the motto: "New Holmes. New Watson. New York."
And now, in lieu of content or conversation: Kittens.
Mulan has the white toes.
Jungle Mulan!
Idris, because she doesn't get enough photo love. This picture is a couple weeks old and you can see from the first shot that she's developing a white bib that doesn't show here.
Mulan again. She's sitting on top of the Little Free Library, which has been shoved in a corner and covered with a blanket to keep it from being scratched to pieces. In theory, Long Fence is fixing the derecho damage/planting the LFL post on Friday.
And now, hopefully, I've got a hot date with the sandman.