Fic rec for Rory & Wilf fans

Jul 30, 2011 17:10

lindenharp recced this and I'm passing it on: Night Terrors. It doesn't sound like much to describe - Rory is having nightmares post The Doctor's Wife, and finally talks to the Doctor about it. But it's a subtle gem for the Rory fans, full of his point of view of all this madness he's swept up in.

My name is Rory Williams and I'm quite ordinary, really.

Well, except for being married to the most glorious woman in existence, who actually is slightly mad, but not in the way everyone said. And getting tangled up with her imaginary friend, a superintelligent alien who saves worlds and occasionally the universe when he's not just faffing about. And going time travelling on the night before my wedding, which stretched a really, really unreasonably long time (see above re time travel) and inadvertantly resulted in me becoming a deadly plastic Roman legionaire who ended up guarding a box for close to two thousand years, which didn't actually happen in the real universe but which I remember some of the time due to long words which I sometimes suspect the Doctor of inventing on the spot-

Okay. So maybe not exactly ordinary. But it's all just stuff that happened to me. I didn't go looking for it.

Mind you, if you're more of a Wilf fan, then you simply MUST read the same author's Boxing Day, wherein a grieving Wilf meets the last man he expected... or wanted... to see.

"Give him back! Give him back! You-you body-stealing zombie thing-you have no right, you-you ghoul-"

fic rec

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