Nov 05, 2004 13:52
Firstly and Officially: as an entity is suspended until further avenues of multimedia distribution techniques are revised and a more advanced entry screen has been developed.
sencondly and completely off the topic:
I'm currently working full-time outside of my choice of profession, as a means to an ends, being... money.
It is necessary for the survival of my professional career that I take this time off my creative aspirations to save money so that it is possible to benefit from the exposure to a wider field of oportunity.
i.e. I'm saving to go overseas next year.
this is having quite a bad effect on the quantity of creative production. fortunately it's still happening though, just sporadically and unfortunately usually when I'm in the middle of work. But the main thing is will still be active and I'm working on it as much as I can at this time, I also have to worry about other services of mine and how they will be effected by my full-time employment but the only thing that's really suffering from it is my sanity and socialising, I know which one I don't need.
ahh I am very much just procrastinating about getting some work done this afternoon, damn Fridays.