Aw, there's a mime stuck in the pool filter again...

Sep 14, 2010 15:08

Who has two thumbs and an 'Official StrowlerCon Performer Coordinatrix' hat?

Me, that's who.

*Gets out cat-herding whip and stompyboots.*

OKAY THEN! This is me, making use of the awesome power that is the Intarwebs. I need performers who can, and WILL be up for performing in the Boston area in the second week of October. Specifically, I need itinerant-style, street style, alt-style performers. I need jugglers. I need magicians. I need comedians. I need acrobats and rope artists. I need firespinners and spitters. I need stiltwalkers and unicyclers, and maybe even a few blockheads and animal performance acts if I can possibly get them. And yes, there's even room for a mime or two.

The important thing is, I need them to be available, and willing to show up and play their hearts out on the weekend of October 8th, and I need them to do it on faith -- this is a startup show, and so payment's on a percentage of door status. Scary for performers who make their rent (or don't some months,) this way, but that's the best we can do until Strowler builds up some foundation in the area.

What I do NOT seem to need, are burlesquettes -- I have a metric buttload of them, between the four Boston area contacts plus the ones I know personally from this area.

I have letters of intro out to Jerkus Circus, Honey Suckle Duvet, and BabesInBoinkland -- assuming Mercury's retrograde hasn't banjaxed the whole thing. (I want it known that it has taken this event to finally FORCE me to get a MySpace account. Dammit. But not even StrowlerCon can force me to USE it.) I also have a holding pattern going with a local magician named Jeffrey Jene, and am currently combing through old correspondence between the event manager and his other acts, in search of more e mail URLs.

And I KNOW this process can only improve through the attentions of my brilliant flist.
And so, my beloved New Englanders, what Strowlers do you know, to whom you need to introduce me? I'd prefer the first rank of contacts to be with people you know, since that's usually the best way to get actual responses out of Flaky Artist Types, but honestly any contacts to such circus-type acts would be helpful at this juncture.

So whatcha got for me then?

Also? PLEASE feel free to cross-link and cross-post this to whomever you believe needs to see it. The more eyes and brains engaged in the hunt, the better the results will be.


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