Wow, talk about a hietus. I've been writing more on my
Japanese blog site, and not really this one. Oh well. I guess I'm a little more motivated to write on the Japanese one, cause I know more people who read that one. Well, anyways, I just felt like keeping an English record of recent events, so here I am.
Bad news: I haven't graduated yet. My initial plan was to defend in April, but that is most likely not going to happen. Things never really work out the way you want them to, and the more you scrutinize it, the more you realize your work sucks.
Good news: I got a job! As soon as I graduate, I'll be working as a post-doc at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx. Which may mean I might have to learn how to drive stick, so that I can use Eric's car to commute.
Bad news: Now I really gotta graduate...
I'm pretty happy about getting the job. It's fortunate that I didn't have to look for long. My mentor suggesting applying to this lab, and I did, and I got it on the first try. I'm so lucky. Now half of me really want to work hard and graduate. The other half just want to quit and start working in the other lab now!