some november events

Nov 02, 2007 10:21

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some november fiber-ish events follow. what's happening around you? let us know :)

ne spinners guild show + sale
nov. 1-3
weston, ma

fiber art center auction + events
nov 1-3
amherst, ma

knitting retreat
nov 2 + 3
manchester village, vt

Sabrina Gschwandtner will lecture on “the Possibilities of Knitting"
and will sign copies of her book {knitknit}
Lecture and book signing at the Rhode Island School of Design
4:30pm, November 9, 2007

League of NH Craftsmen's 3rd Annual Open Studio Tour
Veterans Day Weekend
November 9, 10 & 11, 2007

MA cultural council
artist fellowships
deadline 12.7.07 for "traditional arts"

sherborn fiber fest
sherborn, ma
sat. nov 10, 10-4

Sheep Shearing Weekend
adams farm
Wilmington, VT

events, ri, ma, vt, nh

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