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Sep 22, 2006 16:12

Lotus Moon World Fusion Belly Dance presents

Flamenco-Belly Dance Fusion Workshop
with Heléna Melone

Saturday, October 14th | 10:30-4:30
1 Front Street Studio #148, Rollinsford, New Hampshire03869

10:30 - 12:30: Flamenco Essentials
Exploring the traditional vocabulary of "marcaje" (marking), we develop the body-melody of flamenco through floor patterning and "brazeo" -- the body, arm, and hand movements -- which define flamenco as a powerfully expressive and sensuously passionate dance. This class is perfect for both flamenco dancers wanting to focus on brazeo technique, marking and "aire", as well as dancers wanting to expand their repertoire.

12:30 - 2:00: Lunch
Several restaurants in walking distance

2:00 - 4:30: Flamenco-Belly Fusion with Mantón* Learn one more element of flamenco -- "vueltas" (spitfire turns!) -- as the class moves into fusing the morning's flamenco with belly dance moves. This part of the class will focus on dancing with and manipulation of the mantón. *(Please bring a large shawl or a weighted veil!)

Heléna Melone founded Datura Dance in Montville, ME and Firedance Studios in Kittery, ME, & holds an MA in Dance as a Healing Art from LesleyUniversity. She has been dancing flamenco since 1994, belly dance since 1997, as well as pioneering flamenco-belly fusion. The flamenco and Middle Eastern Dance teacher at PhillipsExeterAcademy and guest teacher at many elementary and secondary schools throughout New England, Heléna is a skilled instructor and facilitator. Her work synthesizes her passion and inspiration as both a dancer/artist and as a teacher/facilitator with 13 years of experience to help others realize and claim their potential through the power of dance. She has performed and taught throughout the eastern seaboard, from Maine to Florida, as well as New Mexico, where she was interviewed by Oprah magazine for her knowledge of flamenco. Please visit www.daturanightbloom.com for further information.

TO REGISTER: $50 pre-register postmarked before October 1st, $60 after October 1st(Pre-registration payments accepted via PayPal, check or money order.  Please provide name, phone number and email contact information with your payment.) For more information contact info@lotusmoondance.com or call Pamela at 603.740.0818.

Pay online with Paypal at http://www.lotusmoondance.com/workshops.html
Or send check or money order payable to Karina Khan to: Lotus Moon, P.O. Box 573, Rollinsford, NH03869
Pre- registration is strongly suggested, space is limited    

lotus moon, events, helena melone, oct 06, nh, flamenco, fusion

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