August & September workshops with Sabrina

Aug 08, 2006 16:32

From an email. Also, she now has a Yahoo! announcement list at

Belly Dancing with Sabrina
August and September 2006
Mini-Workshops for Belly Dancers

Ward IV Community Center
100 Brooks Avenue
Quincy, MA 02169

Time: 8:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.

Directions: Take route 93 to route 3 split~exit for Quincy Adams
train station~follow ramp to Quincy Center~at end of ramp take left
onto Centre Street then right onto Intervale Street~community center
is on left.

Cost: $20 includes workshop and notes. Scholarships available.

Drop-ins always welcome with notice: Please Call or Email me that
day to let me know you plan to drop in, even if it is at the last
minute. Leave me a message.

Phone: 617.823.8541

Workshop Topics and Descriptions:

August 8 How to Hear a Drum Solo
Short combinations and movements are applied to a blueprint of basic
drills and technique to help the dancer learn to listen, hear and
respond to what is being heard in a drum solo. This is an excellent
method of using the body and mind to learn how to dance with
improvisation to a live drum solo performance, or to figure out
organically how to choreograph a drum solo.

August 15 New Combos for Faster Rhythms
Sabrina will show you several different new combinations that are
useful during faster parts of your belly dance. Innovative, useful
and fun, these organic choreographies are original yet completely
within the traditional gendre of the belly dance.

August 22 Traveling Movements with the Veil
Using your veil as an ethereal prop and learn how to make your veil
float, fill with air and fly! We will focus on how to get your veil
to appear to defy gravity while dancing with balletic grace. Learn
to glide across the floor in different ways while letting your veil
float behind you in ways that make you look great! Classical dance
technique for Arabesques, Attitudes, Hitch Kicks, Lunge Outs and
poses for the arms and torso will be taught.

August 29 Undulations

September 5 Expressive Arm and Hand Work
Learn traditional and original belly dance arm and hand movements
that are appropriate and interesting, and can take your dancing to
the next level in regards to dynamics and texture. Together we will
revitalize and explore the faded art of dancing with, and
incorporating into our dancing the beautiful arm and hand movements
associated with the belly dance! We will work with both traditional
and non-traditional music to explore the subtle nuances that work.

September 19 Finger Cymbals with Movements
A basic finger cymbal review of technique for playing your zils,
learning some of the basic Middle Eastern rhythms used for belly
dancers, and how to infuse your dancing with your zil playing for a
seamless and spectacular performance. Sabrina's strategy will help
get you on your feet and playing your zils while dancing!

September 26 How to Choreograph a Dance
Essential stagecraft, dance and theatre techniques that will help
you to choreograph your next solo or group performance will be
infused with different ways to approach creating a dance for
yourself, others, or for a group or solo performance. Activities
will be used to explore concepts related to creating choreographed
or blueprinted dances.

Please mail your check to:
Sabrina Tarulli
33 Dysart Street
Quincy, MA 02169
Pre paying confirms your place!

Curriculum Explanation:
Advanced belly dance classes will assume that dancers already know
the basic belly dance movement vocabulary and are ready to learn the
more intricate and sophisticated ways of combining, layering, and
creating dance pieces based on belly dance movement vocabulary.
Some Mini Workshops are OK for Beginners too - check topic or ask

Note: While some workshop topics are repeated, the specific content,
combinations and choreography is always original and new, with the
latest in dance conditioning training and technique.

Wear: Plan to dance barefoot or in soft ballet shoes or socks. Wear
comfortable form-fitting dance clothing and always bring your finger
cymbals, veils and hip belts, and a yoga mat (optional) for floor

About Sabrina: Sabrina has been studying, performing and teaching
Belly Dance in the Boston and South Shore area since 1996. Too
creative to limit herself to any one style of belly dance, Sabrina
is a popular and prolific dancer and instructor in many different
venues across New England. Sabrina is the 1st Runner Up Winner at
the 2005 Boston DIVA Contest, a featured Spotlight dancer in
Zagareet Magazine April 2006 and is the House Dancer of the Middle
East Restaurant in Cambridge.

With over 16 years of performance experience as a professional
instructor, performer and dancer, Sabrina's teaching style is based
on traditional dance class structure, and incorporates dance
conditioning and technique. Sabrina is a certified Pilate's and
Group Exercise Instructor, is AFAA (American Fitness and Aerobics
Association) certified, and holds a B.A. in Human Services. Sabrina
is a career performer and teacher of dance, fitness and mind-body
movement classes for dancers and athletes. - -

zills, workshop, sabrina, veil, drum, sep 06, aug 06

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