Mar 17, 2011 17:18
Not sure the reason why I feel so down these days...
I just feel like I have to say "Sorry" to every one...
start from Japan...
I know the disaster has no direct relation with me,, it has no direct impact for me too.. but I want to apologize to everyone in japan esp those who got affected,, I'm so sorry for not being able to help.. even if I have some money, I don't know how to donate.. I don't have any credit card, I can't go to the bank, no paypal too ㅠ.ㅠ Sorry for living in the remote area >.<~
I just wish that everyone would be given some help from God,, I hope God will show the way out for those crisis including the nuclear crisis..
When I read Arashi's message I'm about burst to tears.. Their message sounds so realistic, it's not about they're very sorry for the disaster, but what can they do at that time from tokyo T.T
*hugs for arashi*
okay,, now lets move...
I'm sorry for my mom,, dad,, and my brother,,
for not being able with you all the time.. sometimes I feel that I'm not a good daughter because I'm just far away from home.. make them worry all the time,, Sorry for not being thoughtful about this matter 5 months ago... sorry for making selfish decision about my job which I regret so much right now... sorry for not being able to met your expectation to be a good girl..
I'm sorry.. myself...
from time to time, I always feel guilty to me.. why? why the things that I chose would suffer me so much? first,, my decision to take engineering major at the university,, I'm suffered for about 4 years and now I made the very same mistake..choosing the job that doesn't suit me at all.. Yes I would have a very bright future here,,, nice salary, nice career, but I lost something important in my life.. time to be with my family, time to have some fun with my friends, fandom, and my dream...
what's the meaning of money if you can't achieve your dream?
sigh.... I wish I could turn back the time....