To my Hermanas Madrileñas:

Oct 08, 2006 21:54

Another crazy busy week has past. This week we started classes and most of us have at least 3 guranteed Reunidas classes, but picking Compultense courses is a whole 'nother ball game. We have to "attend" classes we're interested in and assuming there are no more than 5 Americans in that class, you are guarnteed enrollment. I attended two possible Basque classes that seem super interesting, but I'm hoping to get into the language class because, I mean, how cool would that be to speak a regional language of Spain? So far, I like my classes. My teachers are super nice and really understand what Americans are going through trying to adjust to life in Spain. I think I may have a crush on my Spanish theater teacher! He's really cute, energetic, and funny. The class will probably be a lot of work, but I'm really looking forward to getting to know the people in my class and attending plays around Madrid all semester! Hopefully, this semester will be lots of fun.

I am also looking into becoming certified in teaching English as a second language to Spanish students. This program is globally known and would look great on a resume. I'd have to go through about a week's worth of training, a 10 hour internship, and then I start to earn a salary teaching a couple of Spanish students every week. It sounds like a great opportunity and I'm really looking forward to this possibly life-changing experience. Most of my friends are teaching students privately in homes and they're really enjoying it, so I'm hoping to have the same luck.

Speaking of friends, I'm completely having a blast with my new-found family. I LOVE haning out with my girls Emili, Erin, Katie, Michelle, and Rachel. We hang out ALL the time and I truly believe they are my new family. We share everything together and have fun no matter what we do. We can vent when we're frustrated or depressed and be absolutely goofy at the same time. Our absolute favorite activity is to download and watch Grey's Anatomy on Emili's computer. We're completely obsessed! The girls are also over at our piso ALL THE TIME and I love it! They leave stuff here all the time and they practically live here (our doorman literally believes the same). We make dinner together severall times a week. We even each have our own special friendship bracelet and call ourselves the "Hermanas Madrileñas" meaning Madrid sisters. This girls will definitely be friends for life! I love them SO MUCH! I couldn't do this without them!

As for the weekend, me and my sisters did TONS of shopping. We bought several scarves in an attempt to look more Spanish. We desperately trying to shed our American appearances so we bought lots of scarves, shoes, purses and clothes. We woke up early this morning and went to Rostro which is the largest flee-type market in all of Europe! We had a great time looking at all the stands and we bought beautiful earnings and of course, more scarves. Between me and Emili we have about seven scarves and I'm sure we'll be getting more! Friday night we all went to our friend Matt's piso and drank LOTS of alcohol and hung out with his German roomies. We had an awesome time and got rip-roaring drunk (thanks to Matt because he was a bar-tender). He makes one hell of a drink and when I woke up with a headache the next morning, I knew I had a great time. HAHA.

Last weekend, my friends and I went to a Real Madrid game! OMG it was AMAZING! It was like going to church for me! My friends woke up early to buy tickets at the door and even though we had nose-bleed seats, we had a great time and the pics via facebook prove it! I still cannot believe I was breathing the same air as David Beckham, Raúl, and Ronaldo!! We're definitely going to another game in the future. And we'll probably head to the bars near the stadium with my roomie, Lourdes, to watch the HUGE game of Real Madrid vs. Barcelona. That should be a fun experience.

I'll try to journal again soon, but we have what's called a "puente" or "fiesta" this week which basically means that we have thursday and friday off for whatever reason the Spaniards choose. So for this break, we've all decided to head to Portugal and I CANNOT WAIT to go! It's going to be amazing hopping around Lisbon and other places! I'll be sure to take TONS of pictures. Yay for Spanish fiestas!

I'm falling more and more in love with this city as each day passes. Most of it is thanks to the wonderful friends I've made here. I love my living situation, classes aren't terrible (yet), and my Spanish is improving a little each day! It's so funny now to look back on old posts and see how frustrated and depressed I was. So glad I kept my head up and kept trying. Certainly paid off! More to come soon, but how soon I'm not sure...I'll be too busy exploring Portugal next weekend to journal sufficiently. Chao for now!
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