Jan 27, 2006 18:26
Hola Todos! I've gotten through my first week of classes with relative ease...i spent most of my cash on books...about 70 euros...so i'm gonna have to venture to an atm for the first time soon...i hope i can figure out how to use them seeing as i've only used one in the states two times. Most of my classes seem pretty cool...the teachers for the most part are awesome and the subjects are interesting...the only class i don't like after the first session in early latin american lit...the professor mumbles and talks on and on about anything and everything...so i don't know if i'm supposed to be paying attention to him or if he's on tangents...and when he writes on the board it's not only illegible, but he writes like he's writing on notebook paper, so no one has any clue what's going on...but, apparently he's better than the nd professor for the subject, so i'll get through it. other than that i'll have a decent amount of reading to do..in spanish of course...it wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't for my 20th cent. spanish lit class which has a bunch of reading...and sadly, the most papers. since this class is on mondays that means i have to either learn to work far ahead so i can travel the weekend before or learn to pull all nighters..the first option is ideal, but i have a feeling there will be a little bit more of the second one.
the one thing i don't like about the way classes are set up is that each class meets only one day a week, but twice in that day...so we'll have class before siesta and one class after siesta...and since i live in poligono it's not worth it to go home for lunch...so i'm stuck at the fund all day long, and i'll forget everything in the week between classes...oh well.
today we went on an excursion to el escorial and had an awesome time. there is so much to see in that building...architecture of the cathedral, a bunch of el greco paintings...which we're studying right now in grandes maestros...and of course the burial chambers in which all the spanish kings and queens are buried starting with carlos V until present day. we ate lunch at a pretty nice restaurant and we were finally served something other than flan for dessert...thank goodness cause i can't stand stuff with jello like texture...we had somekind of honey cinnamon crepe that was really good. i felt horrible the other night because during dinner my mom asked me if i liked flan and i tried to explain to her that i couldn't eat more than a couple bites because of the texture...then she told me that she made some for dessert...i ate about half of it so i wouldn't be rude...but no matter how many different recipes i've tried i just don't like it.
well, i think i'll go home now...maybe take a shower and nap before we go out tonight...there are only a handful of nd kids in town tonight cause most of them went to salamanca for the weekend, but it should still be fun.
And here's my random spanish fact of the entry...about half the music they listen to in american...and not even recent american..on the busride back today we listened to a few songs by jewel, some chris isaak, some 80's music and some newer stuff...it was quite an amusing mix, but unfortunately, as you all know i'm obsessed with spanish music so i find my self listening to the ipod more than the radio