Feb 05, 2005 12:38
i did my taxes yesterday and it turns out i will owe the state of california $28 and i get a grand total of $61 back from federal.....when i was suppose to get 2200 from state and federal combined...which was gonna go towards credit card debt so that i can get a car and go to school...supposedly i make too much....wtf?....i barely have enough to make it....so pissed.....i had originally planned to claim my lil brother cause i pay for his clothes, shoes, school supplies, etc.....but since my stupid older brother claims him, he gets back a big refund....which he doesnt buy my lil bro anything, he spends it on himself buying laptops and shit.....he doesnt have a job, but raking in the benefits of claiming eddie.....so i tell my mom that i am going to claim eddie and she said no cause they are auditing my older brother and eddie cant be added until all the mess gets cleared up.....i tell her what does that have to do with this years taxes?....well apparently he claimed eddie on this years taxes too.....when i had told her awhile back that i was planning on claiming him cause i pay for alot of his shit...my mom is shady....she does anything to help her worthless older son, while i am busting my ass working and buying shit for her younger sons crap....nice huh?...so my unemployed stupid older brother will get a nice refund check and i get assed out once again.....that was the fight my mother and i had.....im so pissed.....
im tired of always having to fight for everything......there is a battle down every fuckin path and im just tired......im not in the mood to hear:
....oh god's doing this cause you can handle it....well he has been testing me a long time, its about time it ends....move on to someone else.....
....things will get better or you'll be okay....blah blah blah.....
....they are just all comforting lies....
.....being me is difficult.....