Little Gypsy Doll Face Teddy Bear

Jan 28, 2011 12:53

I gave my fluffy dust mop flat face Persian kitty a haircut earlier. She looks so adorably cute, & is so tiny now. I noticed she has a spot on her back leg that is round, the size of a dime & it's itchy & flakey for her. I cleaned it up & put some colloidal silver on it. She then kept licking looks pretty raw :( I'm glad I didn't try putting Neosporin or something on it. I noticed it a couple weeks ago, & now I'm going to keep an eye on it. I looked up info & pictures online, & they had a couple reasons, & one could be ringworm. Now that her fur is short, I'll be able to keep an eye on it. Some people were using a natural type ointment with comfrey, & I guess that can make your kitty sick when they lick it. They can also give the cat a cortisone shot that last a certain amount of weeks. The other reason is possible food allergies, which I don't think it is. She has to be on a special food after having bladder stones removed.
Anyways, I decided to write in my wonderful LJ more often, because you can't vent,whine, or complain on fb, & I don't want my high school friends, family, & other people that don't know me too well to think I'm some weirdo. I keep it simple there & play Scrabble. I'm playing with a guy named Damien right now. He usually wins, but I won a game the other day :) I'm going to visit with Gypsy & watch a little tv.
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