The Furor-Sandvol

Apr 06, 2005 10:52

Wow, so the Geology test really sucked. I knew a lot of it but I am still not so sure about how I did. Grrr the test was over like 12 chapters! We haven't had one since the beginning of the year! We might as well just have taken a final. He's an idiot. Plus, I got there right when they were starting b/c my interview didn't last a half hour like he told me-it was almost an hour. Poo

My interview was really really good. I am pretty sure that I am going to get the internship. However, I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing! I just don't know what to do. Its an awesome opportunity but I'd be missing out on soooo much at home-friends, mission trip, family etc. I'm in a sticky situation. I wish they'd have never called me so I didn't know about it!-Does that sound bad?

Ok so I am totally pumped and excited to see Goldfinger again...Their concert in Feb was awesome and they are probablly my favorite band. So I have that to look foward to.

STRESS! AHHHH. I don't get to see Tommi this weekend b/c I have work and he has rehersal. Plus it seems like there is always an endless supply of reading and homework at my feet. So instead of tackling what needs to be done I shall skip history and sleep :) I am so smart.
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