May 31, 2005 00:53
The past two days have been awesome! I've gotten sleep...did nothing...and loved it! Hung out w/Kat and AJ last night and watched Kill Bill. I spent the night over at Kat's and then we went to the pool and worked on scrapbooks...woot.
Tonight we went over to AJs house...(twice)LOL...inside joke. Um then Lauren, Amanda and me took Kat home and on the way back I got pulled over(again). Ya, so I made a left turn w/o a fuckin' blinker, my tail light was out and I don't have a plate on my front b/c me and my mom couldn't find the screws for it. So I give the guy my ID and he's like are you in any relation to Carla Moran? I'm like oh shit. uhhhh yeah thats my sister but I am NOTHING like her. hahaha he laughed. Evidentally Officer Clay and my sis go waaaaayyyy back. LOL ne ways he joked around w/us...hit on amanda...asked us if there was alcohol in the car ( officer...yea right). It was funny. So then we're all talking about my sister and he's like yeah she hates should tell her some asshole named officer Clay pulled you over and planted drugs in your car. I laughed and told him I would. interesting.
thats my story