Dream Journal

Jan 30, 2009 08:08

Been a while since I've done one of these, eh shinkuu ?

So, I wanted to get up early today to get into work a bit early, but apparently my body decided that plan to be better reimagined as, "Wake up, turn off your alarm, go back to sleep and have a really freaky dream."

I only remember bits and pieces.  At first, I was in a huge arcade - like, Dave & Buster style - with syerubi , trina , and some others, possibly shinkuu  and mageuzi .  We decided we really wanted to go out to lunch or something, so the others headed to the car while syerubi and I said we'd catch up.  She started doing DDR on this absolutely HUGE monitor - like, think movie theater screen big - and some other kid joined in as well but she didn't realize it, so she kept trying to pick the songs even though it was this other kid's turn.  After I realized that we'd been messing around in the arcade for like, hours, I said, "Maybe we ought to go out to the car," and sure enough the others were STILL out there waiting for us.  Needless to say, we both didn't feel so great after that, because now our lunch was more like dinner.

We drove to Olive Garden, and as they were seating us, we passed a table where qaflove was having dinner with her parents.  We were seated, and so after qaflove finished her dinner, she came over to sit with us as well.  Then the dream shifted and I was living in a... house?  Townhouse?  With someone who both was and wasn't mageuzi .  Some ex-con had like broken into our house and was living on our spare room, and he really seemed like he was off his rocker.  But, I kept trying to be as accomodating as possible in hopes that he, you know, would either leave or maybe NOT KILL US.  I kept going through my closet and bagging up my old clothes that didn't fit any more so I could give them to him.

That's really about all I can remember.  Also, in case you haven't noticed, I turned off my daily tweet updates.  It was getting super annoying.

wtf, twitter, dreams

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