Kinda Quick Update

Dec 12, 2005 17:18

I graduated this weekend.  I worked very hard for 4.5 years to get to this point, and I made it.  My sanity is in tact (for the most part, I think), I did not kill anyone along the way, and all that is left is waiting for the mailman to deliver me that thick piece of paper that says "Master's of Arts" and my name on it.

Now all I want is a job that will put to use all that I learned along the way.  And one that will teach me even more.

I often complain about my job, but I know that I should not.  I try not to, but it is hard when I come home sore, cut up, and bruised (I got a nasty one today) and it is doing nothing to further my career.  However, this job is a job.  It is a secure job, and I should not complain.  I get a steady paycheck that, albeit small, is enough to live off of and allows me to save a good deal of money, as well.  I am employed.  I am securely employed.  A little blood loss above and below the skin is worth that fact.  Now, I just have to keep reminding myself of that.  LUCKY NIKKI, YOU ARE A LUCKY NIKKI, REMEMBER THAT!  Ok.

I GRADUATED!  Did I mention that?! :-D  Yay.  I walked across the stage, shook President Kermit Hall's hand (the man is awesome, as the name suggests), and made both my mother and sister cry.  I win.

After the ceremony, I found Jeremy and we all went to Buca di Beppo on Wolf Rd.  We had a lovely dinner where Nanny succeeded and utterly humiliating me, but it was funny and still a wonderful night.  It was great to see him and I can't wait to see him again on Friday (and Saturday and Sunday :-D ).

Anything else?  Not really.  Reading every book I can get my hands on (Memiors of a Giesha was AMAZING), as well as as many as I can borrow off of Jeremy; work has finally calmed down and looks to stay pretty calm for a while; and... that is all.  Life is quiet, which is the way I like it, and all that I really have to start doing is preparing for my class in February.  I am excited about that and plan to start as soon as I have all of my Christmas gifts wrapped.

Now for today's quote:

"Within all of us there is a storm. Some believe it will never end; but he who has faith in the heavens above will weather any storm."

Later, all.

quote series, ldr, albany

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