Jan 14, 2008 19:09
The liars weathermen are 0-2 for Major Storms this winter. We got a decent amount here, but nothing substantial. It did scare enough people yesterday to make getting gas a nightmare, and it caused enough of a delay for the schools to keep the catepillars off the road and actually made the traffic pretty easy to handle. It's funny, every post I read this evening expresses the dissapointment of its author about the sad showing of the snow. I did hear something about another "storm" coming Thursday. We shall see, won't we?
I am actually feeling better today. That does not mean I will fell this way tomorrow, but I am much better than yesterday. One day at a time.
Know what happened last night?
*cough* sorry
I have my ASL (American Sign Language) class tomorrow! I am very excited to be going back to school again -- and full-time, no less! This will also help keep me busy, and keep my mind of off this break-up.
I am going to be working in my office for another couple weeks, then I am going to be transferred up to the Fishkill area to fill a position in that office. It is practically a demotion, but only in title; the HR director is going to do what she can to keep me at my current pay. What will help with that is the fact that I am still going to be doing the job I am doing now, plus I will be a ghost (sounds better than "floater," do you agree?) for two other offices in the area; all close to home and even closer to MSMC. I am very happy that my company is working with me; keeping me employed, even trying to see if I can stay full-time and keep my benefits.
Things are changing all over the place. When 2007 ended I was with a boyfriend I loved and adored, employed full-time, and not sure if I was even going to continue to pursue my degree. Now, 2 weeks into 2008, I am single (and brokenhearted, but I'm working on that), working some weird yet beneficial situation with my job, and running headlong toward and MS in Education.
I cannot help but feel God's work in all this that is happening. He does nothing for ill, never gives us more than we can handle, and His timing is alway perfect. I sure see Him working things out for me with my job, that's for sure. And He has sent me amazing friends to comfort me as I recover from this break up. I am hurting, but very grateful.