History vs. pre-History

May 21, 2010 13:27

I got into a heated argument with a young Spaniard a few days ago. It started out by him saying that the history in the USA isn't as old as Europe. I told him that as a nation, the USA's history is young but generally speaking, the history of the Americas go way, way back.

That's where the argument began, by the difference in opinion of history versus pre-history. He even consulted wikpedia (not a reliable source) to which I did see how history was defined versus pre-history. Prior to consulting wikipedia, he argued that history began with writing, he mentioned Mesopotamia, cuneim (sp) form of writing, etc.

I explained that history doesn't begin with writing, unfortunately it did mention that in wikipedia and he said that he was right. I assured him that this is a "western", definitely a "European" concept, and I even asked him if he was into anthropology to which he didn't reply.

But these people just don't see it. They use words like history and pre-history to actually put a date on things. I explained how that's not the case for indigenous people and he mentioned those in the rain forest and how he feels sad for them. I asked this guy why did he feel sad, was it because he felt they weren't as intelligent? I mean this guy made up all kinds of excuses bringing up "technology" so I had to ask him it depends on how he defines what that is really.

To him, technology only meant conveniences. And I said that's exactly what it is, but if we were to give clothing to these people in the forests whom he feels sorry for, and even taught them how to manufacture the clothing themselves, that alone in itself is technology. And then, to these people, it may be a "comfort" but will he still feel sorry for them because they don't have HIS definition of technology which is basically today's modern conveniences for those not living in a forest. I mean, he said some bull about how he felt bad they couldn't read or write and I said to him why does he think these people aren't as smart or that does he really think he's smarter than they are? He insisted that's not what he was saying, but it was actually what he was implying. I know he didn't understand where I was going with that analogy, but basically we can't put a time stamp on these things, especially attached to words. He denied that this doesn't mean the indigenous people aren't smart, but just the fact that he already said he feels sorry for them because he feels they aren't as comfortable as he is, just wreaks of Eurocentrism.

I'm getting sick & tired (my favorite phrase) of encountering people who really feel they are better than us because of their definition of certain words, technology & in their minds as with this guy, feel that history begins from a certain point, and in his case, it begins with writing.

the mayflower was a failboat

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