May 11, 2010 23:26
You use the phrase, "May the force be with you, aye!!!"
Your Jedi robe is beaded.
Wookies are offended by your Buffalo robes.
Your light-saber has duct tape on the handle.
You think "Obi Wan Kenobi" sounds like Ojibwe.
You use your light saber to butcher a buffalo or to open a Bud.
You have at least one land-speeder up on blocks in your yard.
At least one wing of your "rezzed out" X-wing fighter is primer colored and your transmitter is a clothes hanger.
The worst part of eating with Yoda is eating his commodity food.
You discover that Ewoks taste like dogs.
You have used the force to get your tape recorder to work so you could record that new 49 song.
You have a dream catcher in the window of your land-speeder and/or X-wing fighter.
You have to get in from the passenger's side of your X-wing fighter and start it with a screwdriver.
You have to use pliers to work the doors of your X-Wing and a screwdriver to start it up.
You suggest that the Millennium Falcon is outfitted with a trailer hitch.
You have ever had your R2D2 unit use its self-defense electro-shock thingy to give yourself a perm.
Although you had to kill him, you kinda thought that Jabba the Hutt had a pretty good handle on how to deal with people who stole from him.
The last thing you said before killing him was, "Take that, commod-bod!"
You have a cousin who bears a strong resemblance to Commander Chokotay (oh, wait, that's "Star Trek: Voyager," never mind).
You fantasize over Princess Leah's fry bread looking head.
You could single out the only person drinking Twister during the cantina scene.
You were at the cantina to do some snagging.
After finally learning the ways and power of the Force, after years of grueling study and contemplative meditation, the first thing you uttered was, "Ho-wah!"
If you hear, "Luke, I am your father.....and your councilman."
Your council man has told you, "Come over to the Darkside...selling out ain't bad, enit."
Used the force to negotiate with the Federal Government.