Sure, I haven't done this in a while, and have some time this morning...

Oct 06, 2005 08:16

It's been the better part of a month since I last actually said anything. Let's see:

- My pay raise, complete with back pay, finally hit. This allowed me to have my first real splurge in a while, via Amazon. As a result, I now own copies of all the 100 Bullets trades, which I am now attempting to foist off onto people (such as veritude13 and saxchicbeth) who ought to read them. I also own a copy of Dominions II now, which means I really should do a PBEM game with athelred so he can wipe the floor with me.

- I did buy a several-month supply of contacts, and I did uy my washer and dryer. However, buying the washer and dryer, I realized I'd forgotten to pull money out of my account, and had to get wheeerdball to write a check. As a result of that occurance, I applied for both a debit card and a credit card through my bank. I now have both; the credit card was the method I managed to achieve the purchases mentioned above with. So I except I'll be more of an internet shopper now.

- The car commercial that's been using it lately has gotten Donovan's "Catch the Wind" stuck in my head often lately; I hadn't heard it since I used to listen to my now-missing copy of The Wonder Years soundtrack. But now I have an illegal mp3, so I can be happy again. I'd forgotten how much that song sounds like Donovan is doing a Bob Dylan impression.

- Speaking of songs, since a little after I realized it had been used on an episode of Homicide before it became popular, I've been stuck on Live's "I Alone" lately. I really like the softness of the lyrics, not counting the refrain.

- Speaking of Homicide, I think I'll go on a DVD splurge next paycheck. I still need to purchase the fourth season of West Wing, and the fifth, if it's out. Plus, having it will give me a good excuse to spend time with Deinna for a while. I need the last season of Homicide and hopefully, the goodbye movie afterward. I think I saw that Moonlighting had finally made its way to DVD... I hope it wasn't just the pilot.

- I've also still been listening to Christmas music well out of season. I blame the fact that "O Holy Night" really is a catchy tune. I think it should be given additional lyrics so it can work at any time of year. It doesn't help that I have amusing memories of the song from my cello-playing years, wherein it was my job, as the *only* cello in strings, to basically take on the second "oh night... divine" high note completely alone. I was still much meeker in those years, so it went absolutely horribly. But still, it's a great note. I always want to throw things and boo when I hear a rendition where someone stays low rather than trying to stick it.
But I think I'm still most enamored with "Please Come Home for Christmas". It's a Christmas *waltz* for goodness sakes. It's a Christmas song about being alone that you can dance to with the person you love lest you're not alone. It's multi-purpose. The original Charles Brown recordings aren't bad, but it's one of those strange songs that works when sang (sung?) by Don Henley, so that's the version I tend to listen to most. I keep meaning to go find the version by Vonda Shepard from one of the Ally McBeal Christmas episodes.

- Speaking of Christmas, I've started thinking about gifts. This is going to be a rather long, arduous process, I suspect. One of the down sides to remaining on good terms with the people you date and fool around with is that I have lots of people I really would like to find the perfect gift for.

- The past couple of days, I was in a silly mood. I blame saxchicbeth. She said something I found amusing, and it just perpetuated itself. This morning, I woke feeling like I wanted to be bitter, but I just can't manage it. My good mood has not been deterred by sleep (which usually returns me to a neutral state) or longing for bitterness (and isn't that a strange thing to say?).

But now, since we've just instituted a new "in by 9" policy at work to replace the "in by 10" policy, I must go. I wonder if I'll still be the first in?

contacts, life, christmas, music, tv, work, holidays

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