This article made my day. I shouldn't be so flippant about a man who had to spend time in jail due to drugs that the US government sold him (at a price well below market value, at that), but it is funny in that at-least-that-wasn't-me sort of way.
(geek alert)
I went by Kinko's during lunch today to get the spine removed from all of my Star Fleet Battles Rulebooks and supplements. (Which, really, are just rulebooks by another name.) I'm now taking some time to correlate the rules. (For those of you unaware, the people who publish SFB had the foresight to set up the rules in a letter-number.number system such that each expansion of the rules can generally just be put at the end of the previous chapter... thus, bsic rules might have A1.0-A9.0, and then the advanced rules might have A10.0-A11.0.) I'm most of the way done, and there are only a few spots where things don't mesh well.
This afternoon, I get to try and dash to Deinna's to get there around 6 so that I can eat dinner with her, Adam, and Melissa before J. shows up to nab me for Star Wars gaming stuff tonight. It's going to be hectic, but, hopefully, all will work out; life is much nicer when you can do all the things you want to rather than having to choose between things.