After a conversation with my friend Pemma, I have rechecked, and decided that, yes, Lara Flynn Boyle goes on to my short list of relatively attractive actresses (Angelina Jolie and Salma Hayek being the other members that spring to my mind, with Sandra Bullock occasionally still making it in). Even if she is dating Jack Nicholson when she's just barely over 30. Unfortunately, I also find myself feeling that she's hitting the point that I'll find her unattractive within the next decade, which means that my taste in women still isn't showing any signs of changing as I grow older.
This leaves me with the desire to go out and interview 40-year-old men about what they find attractive. Do our apatites age gracefully with us, or not? In our later years, are our wives and SO's just the exceptions to our normal taste for young, nubile women? Or are they not even that lucky, and men just stay in relationships with older women they found attractive years before? (I wonder about the flip side of that coin, whether women's tastes age, but most women I know seem to have higher age maxima than the men I know.)
I have accepted that I will be a dirty old man; it just makes me curious what the dirty old man population in America is, and how honest people are about it.
In other news, I'm feeling sleepy, pessimistic about school in general, and behind at work (even though what I have to have done to ship is done, thank goodness). I also have suddenly shifted into a lj-cut mood for no apparent reason.
I'm also feeling this faint background desire to go play with someone other than Deinna. It's not just me being horny, because I'm quite satisfied in that respect. I don't even think I want to do anything orgasm inducing. I think it's more of a wrestle and/or make out desire, but not even quite that, either. This is odd both because I think it's an odd desire to have, and because it's the first time anything like that has really hit me since Deinna and I started dating.
It does make me glad that I'm not a monogamist, because then I would feel I ought to feel guilty for having such desires (much less act on them), and that would be silly.
Now, back to the code mines with me.