I got around to watching
Subject Two last night. It had some interesting attempts at depth. But, ultimately, it broke its own plot.
You can't have a person who you claim to have removed all ability to feel from, both physically and emotionally, then rant and rave about how he can't feel anything anymore. In fact, there's a good argument that you can't actually have a person capable of making choices unless they can feel.
Overall, the way it was shot and the quality of the acting reminded me of what the channel formerly known as SciFi used to show as filler, such as
In Between.
My own sense of mortality has been knawing at me again lately. Over the past year, I've had three distinct wake-me-up-but-not-quite-nightmares about dying or almost dying. I am pretty confident, at this point, that I'm going to be one of those kooks who gets their body frozen, because any reasonable chance I have at living beyond the standard human lifespan, I'm likely to take.