On the T last night, there was this woman. I'm almost certain she was younger than me. She reminded me a great deal of
saxchicbeth, only more buxom. She was obviously tired, so I showed her a seat when it opened up. She had a cute green ipod sock for her cell phone. I talked to her a little bit. She had a sort of energy to her even when she was that tired,
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Plus, you really don't look *that* sketchy...
I'd have to make an anti-business card. I'd want it to say "I don't sell people shit" in large words on one side.
(I have not seen American Psycho.)
I have an old deck of cards; I write entertaining quotes on the back, and my name, handle, e-mail, and livejournal on the face. They're specifically for cons, but if I ever get efficient, I'll start carrying two or three spare in my wallet.
They're pretty much for when I meet interesting people, who I'd like to get to know better. Try something like it?
That's definitely way cooler. I might be tempted to go with a tarot deck, as it has nifty art, and is a bit larger a deck. But I also have horrible handwriting, so there's something to be said for typed stuff.
I'd love to mass produce the "friendly neighborhood stalker" nanofic card Alison drew for me and turn it into a calling card, but I don't think most people would appreciate the joke. Then again, the ones who did would totally be right up my alley.
Speaking of alleys, as a bad pun, tell your sister I said hello.
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