Well, first post in a long time, anyway. I've been doing a lot of not-posting recently. I didn't post about how much it hurts to lift weights for the first time in months. I didn't post about the moral quandries that surrounded surreptitiously checking out a girl at the gym. I didn't post about getting wii-nied for a third week in a row - although that may have just been because it's such an embarrassing story. I didn't even post about Mac finally showing up on Veronica Mars again. What's up?
Yeah, I've been busy, and yeah, I've been trying to get two additional blogs off the ground. But that's not really the issue, here. I'm not sure what the issue is, exactly. But for some reason, I've had a lot of trouble getting my thoughts down in print recently. I've been hoping it will pass - more accurately, I've been waiting for it to pass - and that's not working for me. So here's a sort-of entry. Hopefully I'll continue to post even when I don't have anything intelligible to say.
I've got a couple links, but I think I actually have something to say about them, so I'm going to put that off for a minute. In the meantime, enjoy a video of some
freerunning. If you haven't seen the new Bond movie yet, it's got a great chase sequence near the beginning. Instead of shooting each other with rockets from invisible cars, they're freerunning through a construction site. Much more exciting, trust me.