So, it's been a very long while since I've written in this thing. I guess between work, my dog, and my grandmother being in town, it's been one thing after another.
Let me first start on a happy & upset note. Two Thursdays ago they fired Becky! THANK GOD THEY GOT HER FAT ASS OUT OF THERE! However, this has caused Ashley & I to run this property all by ourselves. I've been working 1/2 days on my days off, staying late 2 or 3 hours, and it's really kicking my ass. Then what we thought was going to result in promotions for everyone ended up in demotions for Ashley! YIKERS! We were almost 99.6% sure they were going to promote me to Assistant Manager. . .however, they ended up moving Ashley back down and bring another Property Manager to our property. So as they say, don't count those chickens before they hatch.
On another interesting note, my dog and I have been doing some training. She's about 1 year and 4 months, and I've decided to train her how to stay out of her kennel during the day when I am not home. Friday, she did great! BIG star on the board for her. Saturday, EXCELLENT! Another BIG star and even a new raw hide. Sunday, WOW! We're going for a record, ANOTHER Great day! Then comes Monday. . . I walk in the door, and I see Blu staring at me from the top of the stairs. . . I take a BIG whiff, it's poop! I run up the stairs already screaming at Blu, to turn the corner and see. . . MY COFFEE TABLE EATTEN!! Then she obviously got sick to her stomach from the WOOD TABLE, and puked .. . twice. . .then she shit . .. twice. . .and PEED!! HOLY HELL! It's like she had just been storing up for Monday! I swear she's eatten, a pair of shoes, a remote control, a telephone, a COUCH, 2 blankets, a jacket, and a leg off a chair. THIS BITCH OWES ME SOME MONEY! So, she's back in her kennel, and we're starting over. Sigh. . calgon, take me away!
Ok, I have a full day with the Grandma planned out, so I've GOT to get to bed, but just for a funny/scary last note;
NDallashottie79's LJ stalker is stewjdj!stewjdj is stalking you because they have you confused with someone else whom they love. They are also not very liked around here!
LJ Stalker FinderFrom G'night