The State of Things

Dec 06, 2010 21:17

I just wanted to make a post regarding where things are at the moment.

The last few months weren't that wonderful.  When I moved up here I had a job, not an awesome job but a decent one.   As things turned out that job only lasted about six months before the lay-offs hit.  I hadn't really had time to get my footing financially when it happened.  I spent two months desperately scrounging for a job and crossing my fingers that I could pay the rent and feed my cat.  I managed but sometimes just barely.  That was September and October.  In the middle of November I was offered and accepted a new job, it's a eh job but it's a great company.  So for the past few weeks I've been settling into that position.

Enter the holidays and the semi-depressive state that I'm always in this time of year.  There are various reasons why this time of year depresses me, reasons I'm not going to get into here.  We'll just say, it's not my best time of year.

Bring in the various computer issues I've been having.  The Video Card I had did not play nicely with sims, I repeatedly had flashing invisible pixels with certain clothing meshes.   I had learned to avoid certain meshes and worked at shooting around the issues, but they kept getting worse.  It got to the point where every time I loaded the game there seemed to be a new mesh that had issues.  It started with Elisha's outfit, then Luke's, then a common athletic outfit, a few outerwear meshes and finally Frances' suit.  It made me not want to shoot scenes, because I never knew exactly how a picture would turn out.   I spent my birthday money on a new card and I'm very happy with it so far, so that's fixed *knocks wood*.  But now my mouse is dead.  I have another mouse that I'm using but it's a standard mouse and not the roller ball that I've used for almost 10 years.   I could teach myself to maneuver the camera with it but honestly I don't want to.  However it will be two or three weeks before I get new roller ball.  So shooting has been delayed once again.

I signed up for GOS Secret Santa and I'm biting my nails over what I'm going to do.  The person who's name I got is a) someone that is more talented than I am b) a completely different genre c) somewhat well known.  I think I finally came up with some ideas today, I do need to play with them some and see if they will be possible for me to do.  I'm also in need of taking time to do some other creations.

Between the new job, the depression, computer stuff and being out of town two weekends in a row; I've accomplished pretty near nothing in Familiarity.  I've been doing my normal procrastination - messing up the mega-hood's family kudzu.   It's fun, but every time I load the game I think I should be doing something productive instead of this.

My Round Robin turn is coming up very quickly, as in I'm next!  Once I have heir choices available to me I'm going to need to focus the majority of my time on RR rather than on Familiarity.   I have a feeling that by the time I'm getting out of my holiday blues and I'm ready to focus on things it's not going to be Familiar Faces.

So I have a lot of stuff to do and not much oomph to do any of it.  That's where things are at the moment. 

blather, real life

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