Is Anyone Good Enough for 'Lisha?

Sep 16, 2010 09:41

Elijah doesn't think so and Patricia is out to prove him wrong. 

Hypothetical Bachelor Challenge is no longer Hypothetical.

House has been built.

Bachelor's have been volunteered.

Simself and parental cheering squads have been gathered.

Challenges have been issued.

Refreshments have been served.

Day one has been played.

And the first dilemma has occurred.

What do you do when two guys tie for last place?  I closed out the house at 12noon without sending anyone home.  There are two that are tied at 0/0 (yes Katy that means no negative nines).  Do I go by chemistry?  Do I go by total house relationship points?  Or do I force an interaction and get a tie breaker?  Problem with a forced interaction would be that it might not be one of those two in the final place after a forced interaction.  There's one guy hanging in there by the skin of his nose and a single last minute joke.

On the up side there are two guys that are friends with 'Lisha, and one crush already.  I'm thinking that maybe I shouldn't have set the seasons to Summer?  One guy decided to try for the bonus attraction and got fit while another one ate about four plates of turkey and got fat (fat is not a turn off but fit is a turn on).

For the record the bachelors are (in alphabetical order by first name).
Amin Tricou - Lisha's 'boyfriend' from my hood. 
Connor Whedon - Rose's Buffyverse Apocalypse.
Hugh Trottier -  Orikes' Pseudo Legacy.
Micheal Newson - Lauri's Xenobia Legacy.
Robert Penguino - Pen's Penguino Legacy.
Rowan Regacy - Lark's Yakko's World OWBC.
Thomas McCarthy - Katy's Munster Legacy.

I really appreciate everyone that offered me sims for this.  I ended up going with guys that were from current generations and not yet firmly attached in their home stories.  The potential for crossovers (though not stipulated nor guaranteed) was a big draw.  All of these guys are from stories that I love and I'd be happy with any one of them for Elisha, even if Elijah doesn't agree.

elisha, bachelor challenge, familiar

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