Summer in Familiarity - 3.5

Apr 14, 2010 01:12

Continuing the Summer rotation in Familiarity.  The houses in this part contain quite a few mini spoilers.  There's nothing that's unexpected or that reveals deep plots, but there are first circle weddings and babies below the cuts.

House 30 Indie

The section of town that this group starts out holds houses built in a more modern/southwest style.  The first one up in the bunch belongs to Deacon (Familiar) and Dandelion Indie.   The house will most likely need some remodeling when it comes time for son Elbert to move home.  Right now there are three bedrooms and two baths.  Since none of the kids are living in it yet there was only one day of play.

Family Friends @45
Family Funds @350k

Deacon is a perma plat Knowledge/Family sim that currently wants to graduate three kids from University (quite doable) while working as a Mad Scientist.

Dandelion is a perma plat Knowledge/Pleasure sim who finished her LTW to be a Celebrity Chef on their one day of play.  She now wants to be a Game Designer.

Lines of Descent:
Fred-> Abe-> Bob-> Boris-> Cale -> Deacon <- Charlotte <-Baird <-Aaron <-Al <-Fred
Fred-> Abe-> Barbie-> Bailey-> Calvin -> Dandelion

Since they just had the one day of play they filled it up by inviting their three children over for lunch and to catch up.

Eldest son Everest has graduated from University and is currently living at the Party Boys household.

Second son, Elbert will be a senior at FSU and practically engaged to Astra Weiser.  They'll make official once I get back to the college rotation.

Youngest child Emerald, has completed her freshman year at FSU.  Emerald is best known to readers of this LJ as being the girl that was determined to get a first kiss out of Barnabas Familiar but failed 12+ times.  She is now considering a relationship with John Burb, who is more mature and less fickle than silly old Barnabas.

Once the kids left it was time for Dandelion to cram in that last point of cooking skill and then skedaddle to work in order to complete her LTW.  Dandelion is the only knowledge sim that I've ever played that doesn't give a darn about skill points.  She's never, in my memory, rolled a single skill point want.  If she has it was a generic fall inspired want for a random skill point.

House 31 Familiar

Next door to the Indies are the Familiars.  This is the home of Deacon's twin sister Dawn and her wife Heidi (Fuchs).  Another house that may need to be adjusted for the next generation, there are currently three bedrooms and three baths in this adobe from pet stories.

Family Friends @40
Family Funds @225k

Dawn is a perma plat Popularity/Fortune sim that is working in Adventure while trying to earn 100k

Heidi is a perma plat Popularity/Knowledge sim that wants to be a Celebrity Chef, but is currently a Media Magnate.

Lines of Descent:
Fred-> Abe-> Bob-> Boris-> Cale -> Dawn <- Charlotte <-Baird <-Aaron <-Al <-Fred

On their owe day of play both Dawn and Heidi had to work.  After work they had their children in for dinner along with a few friends from work;  plus Lucy, the maid, that stayed to hang out.

At the moment neither of their children seem destined to settle down.  Son Elton, is a Senior at FSU and is a romancer with a numbered LTW who's headed towards the Party Boys.   I've repeatedly thrown just about everyone I can think of at daughter Effie in the hopes she would pick one but this pleasure seeker only seems interested in Romancers.

I have two thoughts on the future of the line:

#1 Let both Elton and Effie move to the communal homes and give this house to cousin Emerald and her husband.

#2  Let Effie take the house and allow her to try for babies unmarried.  I hate to waste red hair genes.

House 32 - Nova

Another fairly modern style home from Life Stories.  This one belongs to Dallan (Familiar) and Delphine Nova.  It's another one that may need some adjusting for the next generation, but since none of the kids are home yet, it does quite well for what it is. There are currently only two bedrooms and three baths, but there is an art studio and a dog room that can be converted if need be.

Family Friends @40
Family Funds @350k

Dallan is a perma plat Romance/Pop sim, who wants to be a Rock God but is currently a Media Magnate.

Delphy is a perma plat Romance/Fortune sim, that wants to be a Visionary and is a Celebrity Chef.

As members of the generation six first circle Dal and Del have been seen quite frequently here on LJ, and periodically in legacy updates.

Lines of Descent:
Fred-> Abe-> Betty-> Cary-> Demi-> Delphine <-Chay <-Bea <-Amy <-Al <-Fred
Fred-> Abe-> Barbie-> Bade-> Collette-> Dallan <-Chip <-Barclay <-Aaron <-Al <-Fred

Currently the Nova's only have one dog, Arwen.  We'll find her a mate once Easton is home with his bride.

Easton is almost ready to get engaged to Dormie Alexandra Zimmerman.  I was waivering on allowing this one because she 'had' a broken template face.  Originally she had the Jeanette Bierderman face template which doesn't have a male version nor is it properly age adjusted.  I don't really care what she looks like, I just don't want a broken template.  I did plastic surgery on her and fixed her genetics in SimPE so now she is sporting the 'Komei' face template and I have my fingers crossed.

Easton's twin, Elizabeth, is engaged.  I'm saving that announcement for later as it might make some minor parts of a future update anti-climatic.  Younger daughter, Erin, was also home for the day.  She played catch with Dad while her boyfriend, Eagle Langarek, was stalked by Mom.

House 33 - Familiar

The first of the 'spoilery' houses.  This modern(ish) house originally came from Life Stories, but I've drastically revamped it.  It now has four bedrooms, two and 1/2 baths and is ready for a growing multi generational family.

Family Friends @90
Family Funds  @ 500K

Inside we have Dryas Familiar (aka Uncle Dryas) and his husband Talin.  Dryas is Dov Familiar's brother and the Uncle that 'gave' Elisha her first business.

Dryas is a perma plat Fortune/Popularity sim, and is currently working on being a City Planner.

Talin is a perma plat Family/Popularity sim that is working towards being Mayor.

Besides being the Uncles of Elijah and Elisha, Dryas and Talin are the fathers of Encore (Corey) Familiar, and she along with husband Ezekiel (Capp) are inheriting the house.

Zeke is a Fortune/Pleasure sim that wants to be a City Planner

Encore is a Family/Knowledge sim that wants to graduate three children from University and is working in the Education field.

Lines of Descent:

Fred-> Abe-> Betty-> Cary-> David-> Elliot-> Ezekiel <-Deanna <-Caleb <-Bailey <-Barbie <-Abe<-Fred
Fred-> Al-> Aaron-> Barclay-> Cael-> Dryas-> Encore

The family shares their home, their food and their privacy with cat Barla.  She'll most likely get a mate fairly soon.

Rotation started out with a quickly timed wedding in the backyard.  Wedding party will most likely be hit upon in future updates so I won't show much.

It was quickly timed because Encore had been pregnant since the Spring rotation and I didn't want a *pop* during the party.

Prior to babies we had grandpa birthdays.  Dryas and Talin shared their elder spins with a group of friends and family members.

Corey and Zeke didn't need the Twins bonus in order to carry on the twin tradition.    Corey gave birth to son Reed and daughter Carol early in the summer rotation.   I was a bit at a loss for names. Encore and her older brother, Eureka, were named for exclamations.  I went looking for exclamations for the twins and really didn't find anything that jumped out at me so I decided that since Encore is a musical term I would go musical terms (sorta) in this house.

Zeke, being the eldest of six, is well versed with children.  Both he and Encore took to parenting extremely quickly.

Corey actually got to go to work a few times.  When that happens Talin and Encore come home at the same time, and get to do the we are family sims duet.

Babies being babies it was quickly time for a toddler tossing.

Since Elliot and Deanna don't live with their grandchildren they get "the kids are cute and we should spoil them" playtime.

While Dryas and Talin have the less fun chores.

And before the end of the rotation Encore announced her second pregnancy.  I played the house an extra day so that we could get both pops in, that way if she's summoned someplace later on she won't get out of sync.  There's a possibility that I'll go ahead and let the sims that are on third trimester holds deliver if I need them to be not pregnant for scenes.  We'll see what happens.

Carol Familiar (Looks exactly like Corey)
Gemini 6/8/9/8/4

Reed Familiar (Looks exactly like Zeke)
Gemini 1/9/9/8/1

House 34  - Wan

Another semi modern house, this one from Pet Stories, and another semi spoilery family.  This house is owned by Elijah (Familiar) and Patricia Wan.  It currently has two bedrooms and two baths.  We'll see if it's large enough for the family to get through the generation.

FAmily Friends @55
Family Funds @100k

Elijah is a Pleasure/Popularity sim that wants to have 50 dream dates.  He and Patricia have accomplished approximately 30 of those so far.

Patricia is Popularity/Knowledge and is working towards being a Media Magnate.

Summer started with a wedding and a wedding party.

Since they were the only first circle couple that wasn't pregnant by the end of their wedding party, they got an actual honeymoon.    I think I have a picture of Elijah playing pirates in the crows nest at every age level thus far, except infant toddler of course.

By the time they got home from the honeymoon, Patricia was pregnant.

Due to work schedules and pregnancy they had several days off together while waiting for the baby.  Since they spent most of that time on dates, Elijah didn't actually sleep.  Patricia did but whenever possible her motives were supplemented by dating boosts.

Being a typical sim, Patricia gave birth in the bathroom.  I actually planned it this way cause I thought the mirror views would be cool.

Elijah wasn't quite sure what to think when he was handed his daughter, Debra.  I have been planning for him to have girls for a long time, and was willing to reload in order to get one.  As it turned out I didn't need to, my game is actually giving me girls at the moment.

I'm not sure if daughters are a punishment to Elijah or if it's a punishment to the kids.  While I know Elijah will be an awesome Dad (he already is) he's sure to be extra protective of girls.

And yes I keep saying kid(s), less than six hours after Debra was born Patricia was again pregnant.

When Elijah brought my sim self home from work, he was full of conspiracy theories.  Talk to the hand Elijah, it's not her fault that you rolled exceptionally low.

Before we knew it, it was toddler tossing time!

Debra got a chance to request attention and receive snuggles and tickles from both of her grandparents before the official roof raising party timer wound down.

Debra Wan
Gemini 6/9/9/10/1

House 35 - Simson

Taking a break from spoiler homes, we head over to the Simsons.  This is a less modern but not quite classic home, that serves as the border between sections.   It's currently a three bedroom, two bath beach style home.  It's owned by Mike and Dorthea (Indie) Simson.  All of their kids are still at University so they only got one day.

Family Friends @50
Family Funds @275K

Mike is a perma plat Popularity/Family sim and wants to graduate three (doable).  He's currently a Captain Hero.

Dorthea is a perma plat Popularity/Fortune sim that wants 5 top businesses (nope) and is a Visionary.

Lines of Descent:

Fred -> Abe-> Barbie-> Bailey-> Calvin-> Dorthea

They currently share the home with two cats.  Eve (tan) and Doc (white) will probably breed once one of the girls are home.

On their one day of play both Mike and Dorthea had to work.  But once the day was done they invited their three children over for dinner.

Eldest daughter Erisha is engaged to bug man Robi Chavat.

MIddle child Enya is also fairly well set, she and girlfriend Felcia (Calson?), will most likely be getting engaged during the next university rotation.

Son Edge most likely won't be settling down.  He wants fifty first dates and is headed towards the Party Boys house.

House 36 - Familiar

The last of the houses in this group is also a spoilery type house.  It's the home of Dannon and Della Familiar, parents to Elani and Emily.

I may do some revamping later on this house.  Currently it's a bit crowded with three bedrooms and three baths.

Family Friends @85
Family Funds @450K

Dannon and Della had their elder birthdays during the Spring rotation.

Dannon is perma plat Fortune/Pleasure and is a Game Designer.

Della is perma plat Fortune/Popularity, and is a Media Magnate.

Lines of Descent:
Fred -> Abe-> Betty-> Clint-> Christopher-> Dannon
Fred -> Al -> Amelia-> Becca-> Collin-> Della

Cannon wise only Elani lives with them, Erasmus is supposed to be living at the Party Boys house.  I may shoot some scenes with him and the guys there, but in actuality he lives with Elani's family.  It's much easier to keep them mostly faithful if they live together.

Elani is perma plat Romance/Fortune and is working towards being a World Class Dancer.

Erasmus is perma plat, Romance/Knowledge and is working towards being a Media Magnate.

Elani's daughter, Keona, was born and toddler tossed during the spring rotation.

The family shares their home with Cat Dandy, who was given to them by Uncle Dean and is a direct descendant from the main cat line.  Dandy has not yet bred but most likely will get a mate soonish.  I'm sure Keona will wish for kittens at some point.

The first part of the rotation was spent getting Keona her toddler skills.

And spending time catching up with family and friends.

But soon enough it was time for Keona to be big girl.

Since she grew up on a Saturday, Keona got to host her first kid party the day after her birthday.  While she was getting to know all the kids and trying but failing to zap someone. . .

My simself's daughter, Deva, was getting her first kiss from Quincy.  I figured this would happen since he'd gotten shot down by Ethel earlier in the rotation.

Don't kids say the darnedest things Aunt Emily?

We got Keona into private school and the rest of the rotation was spent making friends with the kids in the hood, dancing with Ras and hugging Mom when she came home from work.

As for Ras and work?  He found out just how badly I can suck at chance cards.   Then again I try to answer cards the way I think the sim would, so it could be that Ras is just too nice to be a sleazy reporter.  He got demoted early in the rotation and then after only a few promotions was out right fired.

Keona Familiar
Libra 5/7/2/6/7

And that's it for this group.  I'm thinking that I'll have one more group in the main hood and then may hop over and show a bit from UNI.  I've pretty much shown all of the UNI kids at their parents homes, so I'm not sure what I can show from there.  

indie, summer, nova, simson, wan, familiar

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