Progress, Blather and Goodbyes

May 19, 2009 01:48

I'm about half way through my main hood rotation, which normally would mean that I'd still have a ways to go before thinking about updating.  However, I'm far enough ahead in my playing that I've been seriously working on the update for the past week.  I think I have all the plotty stuff shot that I need, and have even gotten about twenty pages written.  That doesn't mean a whole lot, writing is the hard part.  But *crosses fingers* everything seems to be going smoothly, if slowly, thus far.   I'm hoping to have something ready by next week sometime.   I haven't been pushing it due to the exchange issues, I really don't want to mess with trying to convert to a Livejournal or Authorstream update at this point.  We'll see how I feel if the exchange continues to have issues, since once I'm done I'll want to publish.

I'm hoping that once I have this update completed I'll be a bit more caught up story wise to where I am in game so that I can talk about what's been going on with all the kids.  I have two (main line) engagements down and four more locked and ready to go.  There are two others that are confirmed as well but I'll need a bit more non ring screen time before I make them official.   Teenage wise I have a bunch of drama happening but most of the current teen drama dips into plottiness so I can't really do a *teen headdesk* post at this point either.  I've played both the Capp and Langarek households already this rotation and both sets of twins are ready to head to University.    When I get this rotation's Uni bit completed Egeus and Erasmus will be graduating and I'll be able to throw the first official wedding of the generation!

There are a few legacy related things that I can share.  I'm sure it comes as no surprise that generation five is dwindling quickly.  This is a very hard generation for me to let go of, most of them have been in my game since the summer of 2007.

Rather than try to do a big goodbye with everyone at the main house, I choose to send David and Titania around to the kid's houses and have smaller family gatherings at each.  That way all of the grandchildren had a chance to see them.

Rather than depressing me the good bye scenes served as an encouragement to let them go.

Inappropriate heart farting goes both ways "'Ras tell your grandfather to stop stalking me!"  Especially icky since Elani, as Chris's granddaughter, is Dave's first cousin twice removed.

I am however loving ACR 2.0 and all the added interactions that come with it.  It's fun to see a larger variety of romance going on.

I won't show a lot of the good bye scenes.  They were somewhat plotty as well since they served as a means to introduce significant others to the larger family units.

When I did return to the main house I took a bit of time to send the family down to the fruit stand in order to get Ferdie some badges.  He's fortune so he might find them useful in the future.

While they were there Aldric managed to bump the business down to level nine by setting the microwave on fire.   Everyone present lost stars despite the fact that the business is the best of the best.

Even after the fire was over no one ran off, most continued shopping.  Dwight however, played in the leaves.

One of the last things that Dave and Titania did was finish off the remakes of the family portrats that had been lost in the rebuild.   David ended up maxing out his arts hobby enthusiasm and entering the zone while Titania looked over his shoulder to share hobby tips with him.  She wanted to make sure that he painted her likeness to the best of his ability.

For the end, all of the kids were called over and given one last chance to embarass their parents with their individual spousal PDA's.

I had been worried that I'd cry when David left.  However watching my most outgoing sims continually cringe while their siblings goosed their spouses kept me laughing.  Yeah I'm loving ACR 2.0.

In the end, they went out dancing.

And together.

Demi and Chay weren't so lucky.  At the Nova house generation five spare Demi preceded her husband in death by twenty four hours.

Her twin brother Dwight, the only remaining main line generation five, was present along with the girls and their children.

Dwight spent the afternoon being stalked by Elise who due to the friend zone wasn't able to do anything more than stalk.

He kept escaping to play basketball with Easton. Dwight continues to live up to his reputation as favorite Uncle.

Around 4:30 Demi and Chay slipped off to the hot tub one final time, to say goodbye.

Dwight was set to go last rotation but I had already dealt with two deaths among the party boys and I couldn't take another one so he and Clay were elixired.  They both have the Genie wish to cheat death so they may make it another round but with his siblings gone I'm more prepared to see the baby of the family off as well.

nova, blather, familiar, spares

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