The First Circle

Apr 24, 2009 17:37

The number of sims that reside in Familiarity can be a little bit overwhelming if you try to get to know them all.  Even just figuring out the first cousins can be confusing to some.  As they are my sims they don't confuse me, I know them.  However in an effort to alleviate confusion for others it was suggested that I provide a guide to The First Circle.

The First Circle of Familiarity is what I call the group of cousins that are directly related to the main line. They are the important ones story wise and the sims that get seen the most in Familiar Faces.  Foreshadowing and minor spoilage may be involved.

The First Circle is comprised of the Grandchildren of David and Titania (Summerdream) Familiar. While not all of the children were directly related to both Dave and Tania; they all considered these two to be their grandparents.

The Summerdreams
Before she married David, Titania had a previous relationship with Oberon Summerdream. According to Maxis cannon the two were engaged and had jointly adopted two children: Puck and Bottom. While neither Puck nor Bo grew up in the legacy home they were sent to university with their half and step siblings and their children are a part of the current First Circle.

The eldest of the generation sixes Puck Summerdream, is a shy and nice Popularity Sim who acquired his secondary in Romance by flirting his way through a string campus beauties. Never really connecting to any of the more predatory types that tried to snag him; Puck eventually realized that the girl he wanted had been right there all along. Puck married Dorme (Familiar) [Fred->Abe->Bob->Benjamin->Cooper->Dorme] and the two have been adorably cute together ever since.

Puck and Dorme have two children:

Egeus (Summerdream) Worthington (Family/Popularity) A: Unfailingly cheerful and extremely outgoing, Egeus considers himself to be an open book without much to hide. While Egeus is the eldest of the current First Circle, he generally lets his first cousin Erasmus lead the way. He usually doesn't mind letting 'Ras have center stage, but there are times when he's a little bit jealous of the attention that his best friend gets. An absolute sweetheart of a guy, Egeus doesn't always have the best luck. While his abduction as a teenager assures that he will; most likely, have at least one alien offspring, there's an unanswered question as to why the aliens targeted him when they did.

Egeus is recently wed to Frances J. Worthington, a Maxis playable from La Fiesta Tech.  As of this time the couple have one child, a son, Theseus.

Emilia Summerdream (Knowledge/Family) YA: Emilia's the smart one and she knows it. While she is exceedingly nice, there are times when one gets the impression, that her smile doesn't go all the way to her eyes. Unlike her brother Emilia is extremely shy and tends to hide herself away in the University's research laboratory. The only female among the eldest group of cousins Emilia in turn loves and is disgusted by the horde of males that tend to see her as 'just one of the guys'.

Emilia is engaged to Nicholas Barthelet, whom she met while spending a semester abroad at the Takemizu Institute of Science and Technology.

The Goth's

As the eldest female of her generation Bottom Summerdream was always a bit of a mother hen. She's the one her siblings turn to when they need advice or just a hug. While officially a Pleasure Sim, Bo has always been more geared towards her secondary in Family. She began planning her wedding to Alexander Goth soon after they met in high school. Bo still has Alex wrapped around her finger and all she needs to do to get her way is quiver her lip.

Alex and Bo have two sons:

Erasmus Goth (Romance/Knowledge) A: Commonly called 'Ras by his family and friends, Erasmus is at the forefront of his generation. Outgoing and nice 'Ras is a people person, who tries not to disappoint anyone. Everyone loves 'Ras and 'Ras loves everyone. While he seems to lead a charmed life, everything isn't always the way it seems.

Romantically 'everyone is 'Ras's type'.  However he is most often linked to Elani Familiar, with whom he is currently attempting a committed relationship.

Euclid Goth (Family/Popularity): Unlike his elder brother, Euclid doesn't always care what other people think about him. And since he spends a good portion of his time with his foot in his mouth that's probably for the best. Overall Euc is a fairly mellow guy the only thing that gets him particularly riled is a bad call by the umpire. The athlete of the generation Euclid's chosen sport is basketball.

Euclid is engaged and very devoted to Emily Familiar

The Capps

Prior to his marriage to Titania Summerdream, David Familiar was engaged to Juliet Capp. While their relationship did not survive Juliet's repeated infidelity in college there was a brief reconciliation as adults. Elliot Capp was the result of a one night stand between the two old loves.

For most of his childhood Elliot Capp didn't know anything about his father.  Once he had found out about David, his mother seemed determined to control not only his relationship with his father but also Elliot's life.  Elliot had other plans. Done with being the rope in his parent's on going tug of war, Elliot has found stability in his long term relationship with Deanna (Indie) [Fred->Abe->Barbie->Bailey->Caleb->Deanna]. The two high school sweethearts can boast of being the most faithful of all Familiars.

Elliot and Deanna have six children.

Ezekiel Capp (Fortune/Pleasure) YA: Called Zeke by one and all, Ezekiel Capp is the eldest of the Capp brood. Every Capp has a twin and Zeke's is Ezra. While often brash and obnoxious Zeke is unfailingly loyal to his family and takes the knowledge that he's the eldest seriously.

Zeke is engaged to Encore Familiar.

Ezra Capp (Family/Fortune) YA: Ezra isn't the sharpest of the bunch but he's one of the nicest. As a child he had plans to be a bird because he wanted to fly. He's given up that dream and is now determined to be a Captain Hero, since they can fly without having to eat worms.

Ezra is engaged to Elsie Pleasant.

Evette Capp (Knowledge/Popularity) YA: Evette Capp is called Vetty by her family. Evette thinks she knows everything and is eager to tell you about it. Twin to Evonne the two hellions were extremely close as children.  They've drifted apart and Evette is hurt and confused by her twin's distance.

Evette has not yet been linked to anyone romantically

Evonne Capp (Romance/Knowledge) YA: Sly and sneaky Evonne goes by the nickname Vonny.  Evonne was a teenage rebel, now that she's in college will she calm down or will she spiral further out of control?

Evonne's main teen squeeze was Enrique London but she refuses to believe in commitment.

Ethan (Pleasure/Fortune) and Ethel (Family/Popularity) Capp  T:  Late life children of Elliot and Deanna, the baby Capps havn't gotten much of a chance to show their stuff.  As the youngest members of their generation they are currently quite distant from the primary story lines.  While they won't be ignored they will most likely be seen less frequently than their siblings and cousins.

Neither Ethan nor Ethel have been linked romantically

The Familiars

The eldest of David and Titania's mutual children, Emma Familiar is the generation six heiress. An avid gamer Emma originally met her future husband, Aldric Davis online while playing World of Warcraft. Once they officially met it didn't take them long to decide they were made for each other. Little things like death, court appeals, kidnappings, ghosts and psychotic twin brothers haven't convinced them otherwise and they're still very much in love.

Emma and Aldric have two sons:

Frankie Familiar (Popularity/Pleasure) YA: Francis Robert Familiar is known as Frankie by one and all. He's the 'most outgoing Familiar ever' and if you're lucky you might just get a word in edgewise. Kidnapped by his Uncle as a child he pulled his family into a mystery that they have not yet untangled. Frankie has a lot of friends but tops on his list are his cousin Elisha and a bigfoot named Squatch.

Frankie was linked romantically as a teen to Annie Stephens.  While he may still have feelings for Annie, he is currently pursuing a relationship with Legacy legal Stella Terrano.

Ferdinand Familiar (Fortune/Knowledge) YA: Ferdie's an friendly kid with a close circle of companions. As one of the youngest of his generation he isn't as close to his cousins as his brother is and has had to gather friends from outside the immediate family. His father believes he may have some artistic talent, but that may just be a proud poppa speaking.  Abducted as a teen the aliens seem to have plans for Ferdie.

Ferdie is currently linked romantically with Tina Traveller.

More Familiars

The younger mutual daughter of David and Titania, Elle has always been a bit driven to succeed. Her life plan called for marrying fourth cousin Dov Familiar [Fred->Al->Aaron->Barclay->Cael->Dov], having a fabulous honeymoon, topping the law career and then having one or possibly two perfect children. And while she was able to fulfill all of her goals they didn't always come in the order she expected. Sometimes life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.

Elle and Dov have two children:

Elijah Familiar (Pleasure/Popularity) YA: Elijah's the nutty one that seems out to prove it's really boys that just wanna have fun. Always interested in a party or a night on the town, it may look as if Elijah doesn't have a serious bone in his body. However there's another side to him, one that's fiercely protective of his friends and family, one that has earned him a reputation as a tyrant.

Elijah is engaged to Patricia Wan.

Elisha Familiar (Fortune/Knowledge) YA: Best friend and closest confidant of cousin Frankie Familiar, 'Lisha's seen as shy and sweet by one and all. The sweetness brings out a protectiveness in her male relatives that she really doesn't need nor want. Underneath that smile is a spine of steel and 'Lisha is just as driven as her mother ever was.

Elisha is currently romantically linked to Amin Tricou.

The Langareks

Spore child of David Familiar, Eva is the youngest of his and Titania's combined brood. Due to the aging process of spore children Eva didn't have a real childhood and sometimes it still seems as if she has a little bit of growing up to do. Former firefighter Dr. Ted Langerak is still charmed by his wife's childlike delight in the world around her. There are times however, that Ted feels a bit overwhelmed being the only responsible one in his family.

Eva and Ted have three sons:

Elm Langerak (Knowledge/Pleasure) YA: While not identical, Elm and his twin brother Elan are enough a like to make anyone wonder which one is which. Once you get to know them you may find that Elm's the nice one, nice however is relative when it comes to this set of terror twins. Elm's the one interested in knowing how everything works, bombs, missiles, nuclear warheads that kind of thing.

Elm has not yet been romantically linked to anyone.

Elan Langerak (Romance/Fortune) YA: Often the instigator of trouble Elan has a mischievous streak a mile wide. Elan's not out to hurt anyone, to him it's all in a good days fun.  Everyone is hopeful that Elan will gain maturity while at University.  Perhaps there is someone out there that can help him see the light?

Elan hasn't yet been linked to anyone romantically.

(The twins are always color coded - Elm is blue, Elan is green).

Eagle Langerak (Romance/Family) YA: Sweet and shy, Eagle never stood a chance in his family. Easy pickings for his brother's torment Eagle is a bit skittish to say the least.  Rumor has it that Eagle has a crush on his good friend Erin Nova, will she reciprocate his feelings or crush his tender heart?

Eagle has not yet been romantically linked with anyone.

Recurring players - Romantic interests and old friends
This section will be updated as additional characters and potential love interests of the current kids become more obvious.

Bob and Sierra Familiar
The oldest of the old friends Bob and Sierra Familiar are holdovers from generation three. Immortal vampires they raised two sons who were part of Cary Familiar's first circle of cousins, they are now raising four more children. Bob and Sierra, along with other vampires, are the founders of the Unnatural Army (UA). The UA is interested in all things super natural, with their primary focus currently on the Cigam mystery. Their current crop of children - Blade, Buffy, Bram and Barnabas are occasionally seen or spoken of but don't (yet?) play key roles in the story.

Kiernan and DJ Tricou
Like Bob and Sierra, Kiernan and DJ are holdovers from past generations. Also like Bob and Sierra they are immortals but as zombies rather than vampires. Kiernan was the reluctant father of generation four spares Clint and Cher who with DJ's help has finally come around to a more family friendly way of looking at life. In an odd twist of fate Kiernan's daughter Gvaudoin is now married to his former arch nemesis's son. Kiernan and Bob will be sharing grandchildren this time around. Kiernan and DJ are active in the UA.

The Nova's - Delphy and Dallan and Denise and Dane

First cousins to Emma and Elle, Delphine and Denise were a part of generation sixes 'first circle'. While they and their husband's haven't been seen all that often recently the cousins all remain very close and like to get together from time to time. Each of the couples have three children.

Del and Dal's three are comprised of twins Elizabeth (Beth or LIz) and Easton and youngest daughter Erin.
Denise and Dane's three are daughters Elise, and Eleanor and son Eustace.

Erin and Eustace Nova are second cousins of Frankie and Ferdie Familiar and are among Ferdie's crew of closest companions.

Squatch - When Frankie was kidnapped by his Uncle he met and befriended a Sasquatch named Squatch. Squatch may hold the key to information regarding Cigam and the Davis family, if only he can be persuaded to talk.

Elani Familiar [Fred->Abe->Betty->Clint->Christopher->Dannon->Elani<-Della<-Collin<-Becca<-Amelia<-Al<-Fred] While Elani is both a third and a fourth cousin to Frankie and Ferdie she's not at all related to their step cousin and her most regular romantic interest Erasmus Goth.  Daughter Keona is the result of a Island fling with Twikki Island native, Jim Reeves.

Emily Familiar [Fred->Abe->Betty->Clint->Christopher->Dannon->Emily<-Della<-Collin<-Becca<-Amelia<-Al<-Fred]
Elani's little sister is linked romantically with 'Ras's brother. Just as Euclid Goth is different from his brother, Emily Familiar is different from her sister. Unlike their siblings Euc and Emily are firmly set in their combined future plans.

Elsie Pleasant [Dirk Dreamer->Elsie<-Lillith Pleasant] while not directly related to the main family Elsie and her brother are descendants of Maxis playables that have joined with the Familiars more distant relatives. Elsie is engaged to Ezra Capp and just waiting for him to graduate so that they can finalize the wedding plans.

Encore Familiar [Fred -> Al -> Aaron -> Barclay -> Cael -> Dryas -> Encore]  Encore's already closely related to the first circle, she a first cousin to Elijah and Elisha.  Once she marries Zeke she'll be doubly related. Corey recently graduated from University and is back in Familiarity awaiting her fiance.

Patricia Wan - Maxis playable originally from Riverblossom Hills, Patricia has found her niche investigating the rogue vampire population on behalf of the UA.  Fiance Elijah Familiar, may not be very happy about the potential danger involved with her job, but he's trying cope.   After all if Patricia can handle Elijah, dealing with vampires should be a snap.

Nicholas Barthelet - Emilia met Nick while on a study program in Takemizu.  Following a whirlwind romance he's relocated to Familiarity in order to work for the UA and wait for Emilia to graduate.

Amin Tricou - The adopted son of Kiernan and DJ, Amin's known Elisha Familiar since they were kids.  Will sparks fly now that their friendship is leaning towards romance?

Enrique London [Fred -> Abe -> Betty -> Cher -> Celeste -> Devon <-Cort <-Becca <-Amelia <-Al <-Fred + Fred-> Abe -> Bob -> Boris -> Cale -> Dia <- Charlotte <- Baird <-Aaron<-Al <-Fred]  Has long been Evonne Capp's doormat.  He might say that he's her boyfriend, but she wouldn't see it that way.

Annie Stephens was Frankie Familiar's teen crush.  Annie is currently attending Sim State and trying to maintain just a friendship with Frankie.

Tina Traveller - Childhood sweetheart of Ferdinand Familiar, Tina is a Maxis playable from the Bon Voyage family bin.  Friends as children, Ferdie made a wish for her to grow up and she has.  She's attending Familiar State University along with her friends.  Now that they are in UNI will Ferdie and Tina's relationship remain secure or will they drift in other directions?

Stella Terrano is a Maxis playable from La Fiesta Tech.  Due to her background and alien heritage Frankie feels she is the best potential spouse for his family's future.  Stella doesn't yet know of his interest, and she seems to have other things to be concerned about.  Will he be able to succeed in convincing them both that love doesn't matter?  Or will they take the fall?

tricou, ua, capp, summerdream, first circle, party boys, pleasant, who's who, goth, nova, familiar

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