'Red Riding Hood', Anton, Zavulon

Oct 25, 2005 17:15

And my favourite characters, which happily fit in with my favourite tale. I felt it deserved a separate post >:)

Title: Red Riding Hood
Series: Tales of the City
Author: girlofprey
Rating: G (?)
Notes/Warning: Anton, Zavulon, pre-movieverse (I guess). Vague hints of violence, and blood. 465 words.
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Sadly.

Say what you like about Dark and Light, but all Others live in the shadows. They all still ‘walk in the wilderness’.

Anton Gorodetsky thinks he’s walking it invisibly, but he’s being watched every step of the way.

He’s not in very far just yet, and only ever as far as he needs to be - but he’s still treading a wild, dangerous path, and the Wolf is with him at every step.

And when he comes daubed in blood…

(soaked in it)

… the Wolf just finds him that much faster.

The trick of the woods is that they always seem so empty - but there’s always something in there with you. Watching you. The Wolf, blue-eyed and sharp-spined, is keeping pace with Anton Gorodetsky, out of sight, idly flexing his claws. The Wolf is in every shadow, and knows every inch of the woods. He can follow him anywhere. And he can do it unseen. Anton walks through the darkest shadows unaware of the danger. He’s passed within inches of the Wolf’s claws. Within centimetres of his hungry jaws. His tongue.

The Wolf hasn’t leapt out to bite just yet - but not because he can’t.

The Wolf is patient. Anton Gorodetsky walked into these woods with something very special in his ‘basket’, something the Wolf wants very much. Something brute force won’t win him. The Wolf knows how to be careful. He’s very good at disguises.

The Wolf is also cautious. Anton may be a ‘good man’, and an Officer of the Light - but he still carries a knife in his belt. An innocent can fight as fiercely as an animal, with the right provocation. Any Wolf knows this.

And if there’s one thing the woods will teach Anton, it’s how to be fierce.

And the Wolf is interested in watching Anton Gorodetsky. Because Anton may not really belong in the woods - but he is learning. His friends, his family keep sending him in, and he goes deeper and deeper with every trip, and further and further away from them. He’s learning to think like an animal - hunt like an animal. There’s no safe house in these woods. The only thing you can find is the heart of them - or the Wolf’s lair.

If he carries on, the Wolf won’t have to go hunting for Anton. Anton will come to him. Whether by mistake, or with his knife out, dripping with blood. And then they’ll find out if Anton really belongs in the woods.

The Huntsman tends to stay at home nowadays.

Their paths will cross sooner or later. The wolf has the entire wood to roam in. He can afford to wait. For now he’s content to watch. To stay close to Anton’s side. To anticipate.

He’s got the scent - and that’s enough, for now.

anton, zavulon

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