Oct 04, 2004 00:04
I am like an elated parent right now - My new Amelanistic Corn Snake, Sienna, just ate her first pinky mouse tonight!! (this is after like 4 weeks of refusing food.... and I'm guessing it's just because she was scared of the environment of a plastic deli cup or a shoe box). But anyways, she's all go - and it makes me feel better to know that she can eat on her own... I've heard mixed feelings on getting snakes so young, and that they will be very tempermental to eat. BUT SHE DID, AND I'M PROUD! Now, if only my leopard babies will fatten up and grow big and strong!
Tonight I went to my chapter meeting with MBPsi, and went to RockOla afterwards. I love that - I have so much fun, and especially tonight, being sandwiched between Matt W. and Scotty-Don't. Absolutely hilarious times of shooting paper balls out of straws and being repremanded for it. I :heart: my brothers dearly. I love being able to hang out and socialize with a group of folks who are as nerdy as I am sometimes. ;)
*EDIT* Make that 2 pinkies... she ate the 2nd one the morning of 10-4
btw - here's a pic of my beautiful baby girl.. :-D