
Apr 17, 2004 02:05

ever have those nights when you know you have to sleep, but for whatever reason are unable to.

in the face of what looks to be a motherfucker of a weekend, i am awake at 2am, when i have be at work by 7 in the morning tomorrow. lovely.

kind of fits the bill for this week: caught the flu on monday, so was sick monday and tuesday, took a japanese exam while recovering from said flu. two papers due this coming monday, and i work 20 of the 48 hours available to me this weekend.

good stuff.

in brighter news, i can quit the ice cream cone factory imminently as i have found more promising work at checker auto parts, but until then i slave away too damn early in the morning.

hope this post finds you all well, and any sympathy responses are appreciated but unnecessary; i'm just suffering from the usual end of the semester deluge that hits everybody in college this time of year.

little smalls
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